Evgeny Margulis: "We in the New Year's" apartment "everything will be truly"


On the New Year's Eve of all fans of Evgeny Margulis and his "apartment" is waiting for a real surprise. Music gatherings with friends and colleagues will turn into a large festive concert, which nevertheless will retain the entire informal spirit of the "apartment".

"Evgeny, New Year's Eve on NTV will be released" apartment. " How did the idea make this new year program?

- I had a long time in my head, I had an idea to remove the "apartment" for New Year's Eve. Because in any case it is not like the entire nonsense that goes on other channels. Everyone is thinking of "blue lights", phonograms, sparkles, incomprehensible toasts, incomprehensible stories, and we have everything truly: live music, communication and history of the buzz. And, of course, you are not tied to one phonogram, you can lag, and you can not lag. We decided to postpone New Year's "apartment" for a while after the performance of our president - and, thank God, the channel for it went this year, for which they honor and praise.

- How were the shooting?

- New Year's "apartment" by mass is almost the shooting of the film "War and Peace". We started at 11 am and ended at 11 pm, I have a feeling that our team lived four days in our New Year's studio, without going out, like real moles. But we did this action! The team is excellent! Low bow!

Jukebox TRIO and Victoria Aisentyr

Jukebox TRIO and Victoria Aisentyr

- You have been driving the "apartment of Margulisa" for three years - what place does this program take in your life?

- First of all I am a musician, and everything else is rather the application. I do not consider myself a TV presenter in the volume, as is customary. The program is talking about music, I shoot musical teams, and this is a somewhat different formation of my concert performance.

- You have and experience in movies. You played in two films, made arrangements for multiple kinocartin. So for the main role not far ...

- Of course, I want to play the king Lira and Hamlet, but they are mainly offered to small and too characteristic roles. For example, the seller in a music store, the head of the little orchestra in the attractive restaurant, the scientist who killed the current at the beginning of the painting ... I refuse, because I know: my role will come to the movies! Or will not come, which is also good. I don't really like to look at myself in the on-screen decision, still feel some kind of awkwardness; Maybe I'm too modest? ..

Already now we can say that the New Year apartment will become the most informal festive TV project

Already now we can say that the New Year apartment will become the most informal festive TV project

- Initially, you really did not plan to engage in a public profession. As you know, you studied for a doctor ...

- C was margulis - only in health workers. So I did after graduation. I have relatives doctors, friends - doctors, the way one: in Lekari. And I would have become a good doctor, but the rock and roll rose on my way with all the seeking and ensuing consequences. My friend at that time worked as a sound engineer at the Mos Concert with one scary famous singer, who suffered from acking and went into a long clinch. As a result, the concert life of the accompanying composition also ceased, and the superaption, which was pleased with the charming sounds of the audience, stood, covered with dust. And here I suggested my friend: let's take the device with various underground "beatlam" and "Rolling" - and listen to music, and make money. The matter went. And here on our way the "Time Machine" was met - and began ... Pass, absenteeism, and the hobby began to become a profession, and the profession turned into a hobby, directed only to the treatment of friendly friends from "French runny nose." The health worker died - and the musician was born, and I like it very much.

The program of the New Year's concert has many unexpected duets. For example, Alena Sviridova and Sergey "Spider" of Troitsky from "Metal Corrosion"

The program of the New Year's concert has many unexpected duets. For example, Alena Sviridova and Sergey "Spider" of Troitsky from "Metal Corrosion"

- Your fans, how to say, have been waiting for a new album. It was not five years old - and here the record is finally ready. Why did you silent so long and what's new album?

- I really did not release anything for five years. Songs were, something ready, something is unaffected ... Every year in July we meet our friends in Spain with Boris Greeschikov and exchange new ideas and songs, and this year - babes, and show nothing! I turned into a pumpkin! And, returning then to the place where we stopped, my navigator (in the form of a wife) told about the directions where I should and where should not move. Some 650 kilometers! Returning to the slas, I immediately add everything, edited, and forward - to the studio, prepare a new "pancake". The album itself is about everything: about yourself, friends and their friends, about life, and so on.

- Who are you planning to celebrate the New Year?

- We already have a certain company of my old mad friends: Andrei Derzhavin, Sergey Galanin ... If I called, then someone with whom I communicate close, because a lot of friends, and friends are little.

- New Year holidays have already planned?

- Now I want to go to the heat, take a break from everything, because there is a very tight shooting schedule, and on moving in Russia and the world. And then - to shoot and write something. The main thing is to first rest, and then go into all the grave.

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