Sex and crisis: How does love affect finance?


Such problems are associated with material support, with what you have to work more, that the earning process becomes more nervous. It is important to understand that money come in a couple, and not to partners separately. And no matter what exactly they come. You can submit a family as an enterprise. Then it is logical to wonder what this enterprise makes it produces that it produces. Family is an enterprise for the production of love. Money is like some energy that comes into a family as a fee for love, which is produced in the family. Accordingly, than a qualitative ratio, the more love between a man and a woman, the more money comes to them. And on the contrary: if conflicts begin, you can imagine that, as in a taxi, the counter is included, which clicks and saves your money.

That is why during the crisis it is especially important that relations develop that love grew. Using the example of many steam experimentally, it is verified that up to 30 percent of income growth can be ensured, without doing anything, and improving relations. From somewhere there are new customers, from somewhere there are premiums, completely unpredictable sources of income and so on. Put, 30 percent is a very good result, but 5-10 percent are quite real, calm result. Even if it is not to grow at 30, but by 5 percent each month (this is not 5 percent per annum, it is 5 percent more every month), then growth for the year will be quite impressive. And on the contrary: as soon as the swearing begins, financial failures will occur.

It can be said that much strategy to invest in the development of the family, the development of relations, the development of oneself as men and both women, including from the point of view of finance.

Another look at the situation: if we talk about the crisis, then, apparently, these are big loads, greater stress, etc. And, accordingly, it is necessary to help each other even more in good condition, in a good mood, and the most efficient and completely A cheap way is to touch, embrace, affection and, actually, sex. It turns out that in the crisis it is more important than in peacetime, respectively, you want - you do not want, you need to pay attention to.

Sex is very useful for health, to some extent it can even be considered healing. The crisis is also very important to be healthy, and more budget means of maintaining health I can not imagine.

Well, and if we say that the crisis is a crisis (voltage, load, etc.), then moral support for each other is very important, it is important to feel that you love or love that you need someone that you need There is a rear. It is also more important than in peacetime.

These arguments can be done further, but I think the root is not that in the crisis, people strain and are distinguished, I think the reason is that in prosperous years if something in life is not so, in relations, not That you can close your eyes - resources enough, there is no strain. And when it starts strained, get out of the surface of unresolved, lighted, rearranged tasks, questions arise - and is it really that person with whom I want to be, is it really that person with whom it is good not only in joy, but also in sorrow And the distance begins. But the crisis is not to blame for this distance, the dishonestness is to blame for this: the dishonesty of a person with himself and the dishonesty of a person with a partner.

In the east, the hieroglyph "Crisis" has two meanings: in the first case, in fact, the crisis in the most negative, terrible sense, and in the second - opportunities for change, for development. And this is true: maybe it's a reason to finally honestly talk to myself, to figure out what I want in life, what do I want from a relationship, do I live, do I live, do I live? And maybe this is a reason to speak honestly with your partner about how we see the future, as we see the relationship. I do not call for a sharp movement, right now all tear and break - this opportunity always remains. After all, for some reason you are together, once something led to each other.

The relationship of a good loving couple is able to withstand any crises, and all external negative factors will not strongly storm such relationships. Rather, this pair will use crisis situations as opportunities for development. This is your choice than the crisis will be wrapped for you: or it will become a shock in the most negative meaning of the word, or the shake - very joyful and positive, with the possibility of accessing new, higher levels of relationships.

Proximity is such a process in which it is difficult to lie. You can just live, walk around the apartment and pretend that everything is fine. But at the moment of proximity, when you are already with each other, they are not much naked, it is much harder to smash. In this case, avoiding intimacy is a kind of avoiding truth. Because when a person is honest with himself, when he is open and glad to himself and his partner, then proximity is the most natural, which can happen between a man and a woman. Do not look for excuses. Dumping on the crisis or something else is to find an excuse. We generally love to look for justification somewhere else: they say, I am good, but it happened. And in fact, what I do today, then I am today. It has already come when you can live not difficult happiness, but just happiness: when you can live joyfully, easily, in love and harmony. This can be learn. Now there are all possibilities for this, and further only the choice of every person: or to look for an excuse and live so-so, sir, on a triethrower, or choose a joyful rich life and live accordingly.

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