I do not like the new year: why not everyone is merry


Recently, more and more people appear that are skeptical about universal New Year fun. These people do not buy Bengal lights, no vegetables are boiled on "Olivier" and do not go along a supermarket in a couple of hours before the battle of the Kurats in finding a suitable champagne. It may seem that they are indifferent to the atmosphere of the holiday, but is it so?

Placing dissatisfied posts in social networks, "perturbers" of festive extravagancies risk calling a surprised reaction from those who are preparing for almost a year for this holiday. Many are incomprehensible how you can not love one of the main holidays of the year (only if you are not a doctor and not a policeman). But, yes, there are those who are looking forward to the end of the ten-day weekend. We suggest you with us to deal with the reasons for such a relationship to the total fun.

Need to buy a bunch of gifts for relatives and friends

Need to buy a bunch of gifts for relatives and friends

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


Such people ignore congratulations, wishes of happiness in the new year from the TV screens. They look at the very essence - you have to spend a lot.

They just throws them in the heat, it is worth thinking about queues in stores, bustle on the streets and in public transport. In addition, you will need to buy a bunch of gifts for relatives and friends, and if there are guests, you will prepare a lot of dishes, getting into the apartment. Not to mention the amount that you have to give.

The result of all the titanic training will be night, after which you will have to get out again, in the morning to endure your headache, and a little later to worry about extra kilograms scored in a couple of hours. The whole picture kills in these people a desire to celebrate on the root.

How to help yourself if you recognized yourself in the description

1. Try to draw up a list of purchases and take care of purchases. Products requiring immediate cooking can be bought on the day of the holiday, when the queues will not be so huge.

2. No need to pick up all the affairs and responsibilities. Sit with my family at the table and decide who and for what is responsible: let's say, one person will get out, the other is to prepare, the third is to buy gifts, etc.

3. Control the number of eaten and drunk on New Year's Eve. Most likely, you know your alcohol consumption rate and be able to do in the morning of January 1 without auxiliary drugs.

It all depends on your relationship to your own family status.

It all depends on your relationship to your own family status.

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

All of the fault

These people have no negative for the holiday, they are even ready to participate in winter madness, but the trouble is not allowed.

What are the reasons

One of the main reasons is loneliness. It all depends on your relationship to your own family status, if you are very worried about the lack of a second half, a new year, which is present from everywhere as a family holiday, can only aggravate your sadness.

Even more aggravate the situation of friends and colleagues who joyfully churred about the plans for the holidays, while you have fun in the company of relatives from another generation or, even worse - alone. Here, you want you do not want, load.

How to help yourself

It is important not to stay alone with your thoughts, lie on the sofa and sorry yourself. Try to succumb to fun, source around. Do not refuse friends invitations, yes, perhaps you do not have a mood, but it can be created. Who knows, maybe it is on this night that you will meet a person with whom you have fun to dress up the Christmas tree in the coming year.

Maybe it is on this night that you will meet a person with whom you have fun to dress up the Christmas tree in the coming year

Maybe it is on this night that you will meet a person with whom you have fun to dress up the Christmas tree in the coming year

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Unsuccessful experience in the past

It happens, on holidays with us there are negative situations that leave the sediment for many years ahead, and this day you try to cross out of your life: the break of relationships, the death of a loved one, health problems is anything.

How to proceed

Take part in organizing the holiday of one of the friends, and better - the whole company. Show fantasy, take the most interesting moments: Think up a menu, entertainment program, gifts.

But here you need to be careful: it is not necessary to show activity in the hope of praise. You do it for people and at the same time for yourself. Therefore, do not wait for too turbulent ovations.

The main thing, remember: how to meet New Year, so you will spend it. In your power to make it bright and fill the impressions.

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