

Birthday 44435_1

Who, who invented that a birthday is such a big holiday? Well, you get older for a year. Closer to old age and cemetery. What to celebrate something?

Ala wrapped the cooler in the plaid and thought. She tried to remember at least one her birthday. Nothing special was remembered. In childhood, with parents at the table, with a cake from the store. At work with colleagues. In restaurants with friends. Duty words, compliments that she did not believe, promises that no one performed. Tired, oh, how it is all tired ...

This year, Alya began to everyone, which leaves friends in Sochi. Same at home alone, ate Olivier cooked on the eve of Olivier, dug out cold champagne and sang himself. There were no friends with whom I would like to go to Sochi. And there was no one, with whom I would like to celebrate the birthday.

Still asked birthday fell on the day off. On weekdays it was easier - work, funny and cute congratulations to colleagues in the department - Ala did not feel unnecessary and abandoned. In the weekend, several congratulations from these very colleagues the day did not clarify anything. It was lonely and sad. Ala sluggishly responded to SMS, and some unbearable lump smelled in his chest ...

Alya shook and decided to go walk. You can not do it this way. What can be sick, in fact?

Alya loved Moscow. Asian Multwarming of the Kremlin, losing in the fog of the Moscow-City Tower, the Metro bustle, the unwasy of the cars, even the rudeness of the drivers ... Everything in the hometown seemed to her relevant and beautiful. And this fall was invented to do the flower-paths from yellow and red wood chips throughout Moscow. In combination with brazen-red and thrill-yellow trees, it created a bright and motley image. Kustodiev. Even the fog and the small animal paintings did not spoil.

On the passing past Merce, she noticed a carved yellow leaf, touchingly adherent to the side glass. That's how she would rushed to someone great and reliable and rushed with him in life ...

Alya glanced from the road. Who can go? The peers has long been disassembled, the free men older are interested only with young.

And she studied thirty four today. Thirty, damn, four. And neither children or devils, as her mother says. Behind the ruins in the form of the first marriage, after which all the peasants seemed like urodes. Ahead is obviously lonely slipping into old age, illness and total loneliness ... and it is not clear how to deal with it, and it is possible, and it is not meaningless ...

- Doctor, will I live?

- And the meaning?

Alya remembered the old anecdote, cheated and stopped at the bush, who really burned, as he wrote one famous poet. Yet nature - a great artist: on the leaves gently and smoothly yellow passed into the terracotta, then into the flaming fire ... Live bonfire ...

- Beautiful, yes?

Alya looked at the voice.

Behind her stood a man. Three seconds of scanning: young, high, is good. Impressive, quickly decided Alya. Surely happily married. You can relax.

- Yes, the beauty is incredible. Autumn - my favorite season ...

"My too," the guy smiled. - I'm called Valera.

After three hours, finishing the coffee in the cafe, they knew everything about each other. About unsuccessful first marriages. On music that love is almost the same. About Mama, who, of course, the best in the world, but very much climb into a personal life. About the personal life, which at the moment, in general, and no ...

"And I have a birthday today," Alya said shyly. For some reason she wanted to tell everything about himself.

- Yah? - Valera was amazed. - Blimey! Congratulations! Where are you celebrating?

And then Alya covered again. She remembered that nowhere and nothing celebrates, I realized that it was completely in vain, that this Valera simply had nowhere to give a few hours of time, and now he will rise and leave for his affairs and will never arise in her life ...

- With friends in Sochi I'm flying. Oh, by the way, it's time for me. The plane is soon.

- I spend.

Alya refused, Valera insisted, so, in concentrations, they reached her home. The heart of Ali jumped out of the chest. She decided that if Valera now won't ask her phone, she would come home and ...

What "And", Ala has not yet decided. Best of all, of course, heat up the tablets. Mom, apparently, will grieve, but it is impossible to live more, when you are thrown all the time. It is impossible to live one on such a rehabited planet. Around where neither loaves, couples, couples, and she, like some kind of geek ...

- Did you join? - Valera, fooling, bought: - Birthday, sad holiday ...

Ali in the chest again inflated a nipple lump.

Asked - I will not ask?

- No, everything is fine, I just already pretending to go to the airport.

- Well, come on, run, birthday girl! Resting there is pretty and come back! See you!

He smashed ally on his cheek and left. Beautiful, widespread. Peeling about a sad holiday.

Well, to what meeting, interesting? How do they meet, not knowing each other's phones?

Alya crawled into the entrance. This is, apparently, the last sign of fate! You threw you on your birthday, you do not need anyone, you're nothing, you ...

- Al, what is it on your face? - asked the concierge.

- He head ached, Anna Petrovna. On the weather, probably.

And quickly whipped into the elevator, without waiting for the story of Anna Petrovna about her own numerous sores ...


Ala climbed a first-aid kit. Iodine, bandage, five aspirin tablets, analgin packaging. Sickle Alya, unlike the concierge, was not aggravated. It is necessary to go to the pharmacy, she thought and fell on the bed.

The fool, what a fool tree! Well, what does she do wrong? Why did the guy who liked her, she approached, did not even ask her phone? What did she go down him? After all, they talked to the souls, so they understood each other, so coincided ...

Alya could not answer these questions. We must go to the pharmacy.

At the same time and buy bread. And coffee seems to end ...

Alya faced a little more, producing an action plan, did not solve anything in the end, took the money and opened the door.

On the threshold lay a huge yellow-bugger bouquet. As in a dream, Alya took him in his hands, brought to her face. Flowers smelled in autumn and happiness. The nose scratched something.

"Good track! Movie - Call. Valera.

And phone number.

His number of his phone.

Alya published a victorious cry, ran back to the apartment, starting to rush in search of a vase. No, first the phone ...

- Valera, this is me. And you ... And how are you ... I did not tell you an apartment ...

- Alya, well, how in that joke - the charm of what a fool, - Alya just felt he smiles. - And we have a concierge on what? Anna Petrovna All your secrets know! But only about Sochi did not hear ...

"Valera, you excuse me, I felt about Sochi." I'm not going anywhere. I was ashamed to tell you that I was not idle birthday ...

"Yes, I have a girl with surprises ..." - after a pause, sounded in the tube. - It's good. It will not be boring. I'm going. What drink prefers a birthday boy at this time of day?

From the phone a long time was the beeps, and Alya all squeezed him in her hands. She sat among the colors and pills and clearly understood that something completely new, unexplored and large begins in life.

It was scary and fun.

The door was called.

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