Sexting: Why is it needed


With the development of technologies, people have more ways to show sexual interest in the chosen person. People have long been practicing the method of exchanging intimate photos, but what is interesting, not everyone knows how it is called.

If you have never heard this word to this day, explain: sexting - the method of electronic exchange of intimate photos or texts of the sexual content of your second half, although it is also often this method is used as much familiar people.

For the first time the world collided with the fact of sexting in the distant 2005, after the history of the schoolgirl, which posted an intimate photo on one of the dating sites. After several years, this term has spread among young people and even entered into some dictionaries. Nowadays, sending a photo in the style of "NU" no one will not surprise anyone, and in those years it was new. However, despite the popularity and some ordinary, the Internet will periodically "explodes" from outraged reviews regarding this phenomenon.

People have long been practicing the method of exchanging intimate photos

People have long been practicing the method of exchanging intimate photos


What do psychologists think about this

Many experts do not see anything reprehensible in the cooking passion to adolescents, justifying it with "knowledge of themselves." According to statistics, more than half of the population practicing sexting, teenagers. Especially a big percentage among young girls, as in their understanding, sexting is a safe alternative to real physical contact.

The modern world of gadgets allows people to do and send text and photo files where and ever.

If there are still prejudices among the adult population regarding such entertainment, then students are at least English, at least once in his life, have tried this method of sexual stimulation.

Many girls sexting spur carefully closely

Many girls sexting spur carefully closely


Most of the people from among students who are initiators in a pair are men. Most often, the desire comes from them so that the girl sent her photo.

Is there any benefit from sexting

If you are a couple of pairs, for you, sexting will be quite natural part of intimate life, especially when your second half is far away.

Sexting can use people who are not confident in the right choice of partner and thus being at some distance, they can warm up sexual interest in each other.

Many girls sexting spur carefully to follow themselves, because, according to psychologists, the overwhelming number of beautiful sex representatives are experiencing due to how they look in the photo, and therefore will thoroughly prepare before they do and send a photo to their man.

If you are far from a partner, intimate messages will warm up your feelings

If you are far from a partner, intimate messages will warm up your feelings


Negative consequences of sexting

Do not forget about your own security, or rather about the safety of your reputation. Many have heard of declassified intimate photos of stars. It is important to remember that as soon as you post a photo into the network, it can be easily stealing. There is also blackmail from the ungabond partner. Therefore, before you send a photo, think about several times, is it reliable to send this person to send a photo.

It often happens that offended men begin mass mailing to their friends or yours in order to throw shadow on you. Of course, this is a low act, nevertheless answer for these photos will have to you.

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