Lena Banya: "Someone sent me from above when I died"


At one time, Lena Bat boldly changed his career in Gazprom to such a much less stable, and at times a rather dangerous profession as journalism. The viewer TV presenter associated almost with some kind of superheroines, which pulled the unscrupulous dolrtov on clean water. However, the work that Lena loved so much, cost her health and nerves. Today, she admits that Jury Anashenkov's appearance in her life in her life, who later became her husband, helped her do not break and gain the desired harmony. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Lena, what do you consider your biggest life luck?

- This is my family. In the work you can succeed due to their perseverance, work. And there are things to which you can not affect. Just dream of them and launch your wishes to the universe. I was the only child and always dreamed of a big family. I was very lucky with my husband, we have excellent relationships. And in those days when we are going to the whole family, I'm just happy. Good luck is that you can't control.

- You said that only at the age of thirty five began to imagine what a man should be there.

- I will explain why in thirty five. If it were still in Ostankino, I suddenly met his "ideal man," I would not have been able to work so zealously, and perhaps would not have become the Lena Breaking, which the whole country knows today. I suspect that they are perceived as a careerist, but it is not. Just the universe did not give me such a person, and all my energy was aimed at work.

- There was no serious relationship at all?

- No, I had two civil marriage. In the first union, a man made me an offer, and more than once. But at that time I felt that I was not ready for marriage at all. I am not the girl who dreams of a wedding and a beautiful white dress, I was the leader of the boys in the yard. (Laughs.) I remember when the mother suggested sending me to the school of noble maidens, I said: "You are! My boys learn! " (Smiles.) I did the proposals worthy of a generally accepted point of view - secured, successful people. But for me it is important to human warmth, love. I am a very romantic person and glad that my husband is the same. I do not know how the relationship will continue to develop, but I am absolutely happy that there is love in my life, this gift is far from everyone. Previously, I did not feel such proximity, such a mental connection, as with Yura. And I did not understand how you could get married without love or "give birth to ourselves." In my head, everything is just arranged: if such a person did not meet, with whom I want to create a family, then it is not necessary. Do not need an internal conflict.

Funny, although I am considered an incredibly scandalous person, I do not like the quarrel. I am not comfortable when I appear - I will not say enemies, ill-wishers. The word "Haip" is not about me at all. Take a quarrel with Nastasy Sambursk. We did not quarrel, I do not know her personally, only as my succession in the audioralo. But she posted an insulting video in my address. I think it was not her desire, but the desire of the leadership of the TV channel "Friday" to sided me a little. I did not answer, because I think that a normal person will not be similar to comment. But again: I try to avoid the scandal, and the scandal finds me. Perhaps my progress cause a feeling of envy. I respect people who achieve something in the profession, make an important thing, let them even like me something.

- Yuri in your life in a difficult period appeared ...

- Jura saved me. It seems to me that someone sent him from above when I just died. Nobody as my family did not know what was actually happening to me. All of these endless interviews, Haip, who were only in the press. Banners with my image hung across Moscow, but I did not notice anything, it was like a horse in Shorakh: Flights - Kazan, Eagle, Tula, Lipetsk. Yura saw my fainting, I just fell face down, I still have scars left. But I lost a connection with reality, all told: you need to shoot a new season. The doctor diagnosed: physical and moral exhaustion. It is impossible to work, it is impossible to fly, it is impressing! I had a contract that kept me, but Yuri said: I don't care, we will sue, - and took me to Bali. For a whole week, I simply lay in the room of the hotel, did not go anywhere, restored the strength. And the most terrible one - I only thought that I was under the protection of the TV channel "Friday", and under protection and never was.

- were the real threats to your address?

- Yes. There were several incidents when they were attacked on our shooting group, and I only had a serious security in my last season. Prior to that hired chop staff, which could easily escape in case of danger. As, for example, when in a restaurant, where we conducted a check, the company was claimed. My guards evaporated instantly, and we were saved by secret buyers. I went to them and asked for all what was happening to shoot on the video. Honestly, thought we will be taken out of this restaurant in plastic bags. I called Yura and cried, said that I don't know what to do, because Poliorod belongs to this person, whom we "offended", and even a hotel where I stopped. It was such a stress, I had half hair then just fell out, I could not even collect my famous dulet.

"And I read that Jura was once collaborated with" Audioralo ", he had his security agency.

- In fact, we met through the charity foundation. He never collaborated with Verizorro. But when we started to meet officially, and the TV channel did not give me the guard, I asked him to help. I was really afraid to go to my car, I thought, suddenly she would fly into the air. And Yura gave his people to protect me. He helped me survive when I brought the last season of the program. When I was threatened and gangsters, and representatives of power, I felt only his defense.

- Strong woman Lena Bat found a strong man.

- There is no happiness in a different way. About women like me, Self Made say. I came to Moscow without connections, removed the apartment, worked, tried. And next to me just could not be a weak man, I would suppress him. Despite the fact that we have partnerships with Yura, for me a husband in the family is the same - just as my father was the main thing. Yura gives me a lot of useful tips, in some questions he is smarter and erudite me. He helps me as a lawyer as a lawyer.

- When did you have a gap between projects, there was no temptation in general to close a television topic, enjoy personal happiness?

- Yes, my husband dreamed of it. But I'm not the person who will sit at home. I love to do the economy, cook, but in rare weekends. When an interesting project appears, my eyes light up, I can not eat, do not drink, do not sleep. The husband jokes that he will take me to a group of anonymous workaholics. (Laughs.) They say: "Find a case, you don't have to work for a single day." But no one warns that in this case you will not have a weekend. Now we are with your husband who will establish them in my graphics. There was a break between how I finished doing the Fucking Detachment program on the first channel and began to negotiate with the STS. It may seemed to someone that I fell out of the media space, but in fact life continued. I removed my show "Flying Supervision" for the Internet and brought this project to a very worthy level. Now it comes out on the TV channel "Che!". I also had a show on the CTC TV channel, the program is called "kids-ancestors". This is a family show in which two generations compete with each other. In one team - children, in the other - their parents or other close relatives. In each contest, adults respond to tricky questions about the XXI century, and children - about the last century. This format, quite different from what I did before, and I was a little worried, because I had a certain image. But, fortunately, there was contact with the studio, and in front of the viewer, I will appear completely different in the frame. I am happy that this project got exactly me. This family history is close to me. Despite the seeming lightness, it is very deep. Yes, we guess some modern young performers, remember the stars of the past, the pioneer symbolism - but in this way we help generations to get together, we establish a connection between them.

- Tell me, have you easily found a common language with sons of Yuri?

- Initially, I was worried about how they would perceive me, I did not have this experience, but Yura said: Relax and be yourself. And everything turned out. I love children, and they feel it. I like to deal with them, pamper them, read them. This winter we taught them skiing, and, of course, they just hung on my neck. Despite the current situation with a divorce, we want the guys with Yura so that we guys feel at home. The conflict of adults does not concern. Yura is a wonderful father. All my friends are wondering how fanatically he loves his children, as he fought for his non-rigid child. He raises his sons on male, inspires them that they are brothers, must stand for each other. We try to create a healthy atmosphere for them, in which they can develop and enjoy life. And, of course, we are with Yura we want a common child.

As for the so-called fathers and children conflict, the world changes, the benchmarks change. I think our parents also noticed the difference between us. And I, it happens, grumble: what are these children again in phones sit, you can go walk, read the book. At such moments I remind you of my mother. Only she grumbled on another occasion, there were no gadgets then. Parents raised me very strictly. Moreover, I always felt a strong rear. Even when I moved to Moscow, I thought: if something does not work out, I will return to Yaroslavl. They were very worried when I decided to leave Gazprom and began to build a career on television.

- What attracted you in journalism?

- When I realized that financing is not my path, I began to consider completely different professions. I believe that any honest work is honed - it does not matter whether you are spreading buns, grow cabbage or lead the TV shows. Vanity is not my sin, I did not seek to get to television, perhaps, so I got it. Probably journalism attracted me to what you can really do something useful and help people. I felt it, and when I took off my "graduation story" about blood donors, and later, working in the program Andrei Malakhov "Let them talk." Although it was one of the most stressful works.

- Lena, but in this show a little truth ...

- I will explain: all the stories of truth, but this is a question of editing. It is very difficult to make both conflicting parties in the program. What we only don't go to lure the hero to make it not intercepted from the competing gear. Psychologically difficult was working with characters. I remember the plot when the pipe with hot water broke in the nightclub and people could not get out from there. One girl came to us, she scalked her legs with boiling water, but she smiled to everyone. Just such a cheerful person. I tell her: "You can not smile, it is necessary that the city authorities and managers realize the tragedy." I was proud when we managed to change for the better someone's life, for example, when we were able to knock out accommodation for a large family.

- I listen to you and understand that you are just with an iron psyche ...

- In "Revizorro" was difficult, of course. And this my brand smile also appeared from the surprise when I started to attack me. Then she already turned into a malicious controlled Grimascus. I confess, I trained, used some NLP techniques, because they help the journalist.

- "Flying Supervision" - Light project compared to "Audioralo"?

- This is generally another format. Initially, the Flying Supervision was an africa for the Internet. I wanted to stay in my path checking. I thought about a light blog five to ten minutes, but in the end, then we could not cut an hour. Journalistic investigations are very attracted to me, my eye burns. We went out by Vkontakte, we had a good viewer, watching up to two million. In the third season, I just decided to go to an independent swimming and laid out a video on YouTube, and then the project was interested in the TV channel "Che!". The main criterion was that we will also honestly shoot everything, and they will not try to influence us with censorship. "Future supervision" is completely my brainchild, but if suddenly this show will stop, I will not grieve. There will be something else. I am philosophically for life, I prepare myself as victory and losing. These are the basics of strategic thinking. My husband taught me a lot. By the way, at the beginning of the interview asked the perfect man whose portrait of me was to thirty-five years ...

- And by the way, they did not say, what features he should possess.

- The only selection criterion for me was high growth. I can not imagine a short man. I also want to physically feel like a little girl. Any adequate woman dreams of loved her, they cared for her - not money, not buying an expensive car, but they gave attention and human warmth. I can all discuss with my husband, it stands dear. Even when he starts to scold me, there is no weekend again, "I am pleased, so he expresses his care.

- Have you changed during the time you are together? Maybe he changed?

- His relatives were first afraid to meet with me. Me general people are afraid. (Laughs.) But then, when Jura and I got married and came to visit them, my sister approached me and said: "Lena, thank you for Yura. You do not imagine what he was lost, unloved. " Yura really had a very difficult relationship. I do not want to discuss this in detail, but now he feels my love, tenderness - I do not want to control, dose my feelings, and also relaxes. I became calmer than balanced. I have never had such a deep connection with a man. I am absolutely happy: the work gives me satisfaction, and the family is forces.

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