Hands are not for boredom: 5 crafts for home decoration, which can be done with children


"Do not go crazy, do not regret anything!" - Sang Timati in his long hit. So we wish you, finally, to accept the fact that in the office you will not come out soon: get used to new circumstances and think about how you can take children and entertain yourself. It offers you several options for starters who will help diversify the routine similar to each other days.

Salt dough model

Together with the child, you can make salty dough on a simple recipe: 150 grams of flour, 150 gr Salts of fine grinding, 100 ml of cold water. The dough should be dense and plastic - it will say about his readiness. You can paint the dough, dividing it into parts, with the help of food dyes: beet juice, turmeric, cocoa and so on. If there are no desired colors, first blind the crawl, dry it, and then pull the acrylic or watercolor paints. Take the child from the salt dough of animal figures, with which you can later play, depicting theatrical formulation based on your favorite fairy tale. Or you can make figurines in the form of people and paint them so that they will be similar to family members: after drying, cover them with varnish so that they become dense, then you can make key chains and give to all relatives at the end of Quarantine.

Wash out what you will have at hand

Wash out what you will have at hand

Photo: unsplash.com.

Magnetic labels

For young children, standard board games are not suitable, since kids are not able to understand the rules of the game. At the same time, they are difficult to draw crossbars and testers for a standard game while they teach the rules and lose their senior relatives. We offer with the child to make a simple game: take a tight cardboard, magnets, marker and second glue. Cut mugs from cardboard - only 10 pieces, and then make magnets on them and share it on the "cross" and "Noliki" on them. Marker Draw a playing field on the fridge and have fun with a child, playing such a simple logical game.

Card for grandmother

At that time, while you are on Quarantine, you will probably have to take care of the elderly relatives - to bring products, pick up accounts for utilities and so on. Together with the parcels, leave my grandparents and grandparents drawn by your own hands. Create them easier than simple: Take a sheet of A4 format and bend it in half. Position the "book" so that it opened on the right to left, as ordinary postcards. On the first page, the child can draw a picture, and on the third to write his wish to a close person. If he is not yet a blatant to draw, take your finger paints and leave the prints of the baby's palm, and write the wish you yourself. Believe me, your close will be to the depths of the soul touched by this gesture.

Motivational posters

With the children of the country of school age, you can make posters together - for this you need a sheet A4, frame with glass, watercolor paints, brush, marker. Find on the Internet a motivating inscription, which will enjoy the child. Color to the sheet with him, let him dry, and then make an inscription with a beautiful handwriting. The resulting poster can be hung in a nursery above the bed, a written table or a chest. By analogy with this, you can make posters with reminders of mutual habits, a corona family recipe - everything that your soul will wish.

Decorate by crafts house

Decorate by crafts house

Photo: unsplash.com.

Pillows with embroidery

You can decorate the house using sets for creativity and fantasy. If you know how to embroider yourself, you can make a drawing right on the pillowcase and embroider it with colored threads Moulin. For those who are just getting acquainted with this type of creativity, it is better to buy ready-made sets on the Internet - you can order them on the website of the art cabin or toy store. Do not take the finished canvas, but impose a pillowcase on it and flash over. Then cut the canvas in size of the pillowcase - it turns out a neat decorative pillow with a dense pattern.

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