Secrets of "dollar" trees, or why it does not bloom


We buy plants with a different goal: Someone wants to decorate the room, someone avid flower deaf, but there are people who "embarrass" money with certain colors and plants.

Today we will talk about one green representative, who willingly acquire lovers. Namely - about the "dollar" tree, which attracts financial success, but only if it becomes blossom, which happens extremely rarely.

In scientific publications, it can be found called Zamiculkas. His peculiarity is that it can grow in dry conditions for a long time without moisture, therefore is an excellent option for the city premises. His glossy green leaves "Collect" any office or apartment.

Today we will talk about a green representative, who willingly acquire lovers will take

Today we will talk about a green representative, who willingly acquire lovers will take


How to achieve cherished flowering, thereby increasing the chances of material success?

We will give a few tips to make your plant that felt most comfortable and as quickly as possible dismissed.

Tip 1. Provide a plant with light

Try to leave the plant in a bright place at least a couple of hours a day. But the light should be scattered. If your windowsill allows you to put there, but keep in mind that the size of the plant in most cases will not allow you to do this.

Tip 2. Watering

When the soil dry suhes, only in this case you need to water the plant, because you remember, our green friend came from Africa. If there is at least some hint of moisture in the pot, it is better to postpone watering, since when the roots are abundant, the roots will begin to rot.

Tip 3. Support the optimal temperature

Naturally, the "dollar" tree feels great in warmth. When the temperature drops, problems with increasing, but but dry warm air will contribute to the comfortable existence of the plant

It does not need to water too often

It does not need to water too often


Council 4. Soil

You can easily find the necessary soil, but if desired it is not so difficult to prepare the mixture yourself. Perfect peat, sand, turf. Just mix them in equal parts. And be sure to provide a plant with drainage to waste excess water.

Tip 5 fertilizer

For early growth, Zamokulkas must be fed. Please note that in itself this plant grows for a long time, so basking patience.

Tip 6. Transplant

With an increase in the size of the root, you will have to get acquainted with the purchase of a new pot, more in size. Change the pots will have every year. But the older the plant becomes, the less often it will be necessary to transplant. After six years, the transplant will be needed every few years.

This plant grows for a long time, so be patient

This plant grows for a long time, so be patient


Listening to our advice, you will achieve the flowering of Zamiculkas, thereby attracting money and success in the house.

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