Spring is possible without allergies


Know: You are not alone. Testing certain symptoms of allergies with the onset of the spring-summer season begins every fifth resident of the globe. Even if you managed to avoid this attack, it will still be harmless to learn about Polyniasis (this is how the seasonal allergy is called a scientificly named), because he may even have those who did not suffer from them.

So, the main reason for seasonal allergies - plants awakened from winter hibernation. As a rule, the danger represents pollen. Finding into the nose, eyes or mouth, it causes the most unpleasant symptoms of half theline. By the way, the poplar fluff itself is not an allergen itself, but it can carry pollen to himself, which, as we found out, is not so harmless.

You can cope with allergies by finding out what exactly the reaction occurs. To do this, hand over allergothes. When you know the enemy "in the face", you can use systemic immunotherapy (by the introduction of allergen microodosis to form an addictive). Always have antihistamines with you. If your eyes are watched - we carry glasses from the sun, and do not neglect your personal hygiene and cleaning at home.

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