On the wings of Glamor: Star Outfits of the Golden Eagle premium


Elena Lyadov

DIOR dress, BVLGARI clutch and one of the Russian cinema sex symbols as a satellite. Actress Elena Lyadova became one of the most notable people at the ceremony. And together with Vladimir Vdovichenkov, they are perhaps the brightest star pair of the season. And even the unwillingness of Vladimir Vdovichenkov wearing a tie does not spoil it to the defile.

Tatyana Mikhalkov.

Tatyana Mikhalkov.

Gennady Avramenko

Tatyana Mikhalkov

The important status of Tatiana Evgenievna does not beat her desire to sometimes balancing on the edge of the foul. This is a bold choice and, of course, the likelihood is that not everyone will appreciate the self-irony. However, there are more advantages here than minuses. Still, the secular charm of Tatiana can cope with the playful outfit.

Daria Claus with her husband.

Daria Claus with her husband.

Gennady Avramenko

Daria Moroz.

Very optional attitude to tuxedo and more than an ironic look at the very idea of ​​the evening dress could get out sideways. However, Daria and her spouse are still difficult to reproach in clownade. Rather, we are talking about enviable lightness, with which Daria and Konstantin copes with the burden of the main informals of the party.

Olga Soullova.

Olga Soullova.

Gennady Avramenko

Olga Soullova

Spring goes, spring road! Probably, this is the most romantic dress of the ceremony. The color of the hair, of course, can cause a serious discussion, but so far Olga in this dress, even skeptics are able to change the anger to mercy.

Anna Chipovskaya.

Anna Chipovskaya.

Gennady Avramenko

Anna Chipovskaya

If I wanted to turn into a vamp woman, it would be nice to think about a brighter make-up and a strict hairstyle. If there were no such plans, then the choice of such a bright shade of black, and even with the print causes questions. This dress is trying to be more noticeable than his mistress, which is completely wrong.

Ekaterina Guseva.

Ekaterina Guseva.

Gennady Avramenko

Ekaterina Guseva

Catherine looks great, but it does not mean that you need to choose a dress for an important ceremony that the schoolgirl is suitable for the disco. The desire to regree often leads to very sad consequences. Hopefully, the next time Catherine will show his legs with a more interesting outfit.

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