Live stories: "That little boy was my Savior"


"Since childhood, I was told me that I was the most beautiful. Mom always dressed me in the dress and knitted bows on the hair, and the dad fed sweet every day - candy, donuts, chips. He said that there is no more beautiful girls ... and then it did not become, "he recalls Alena I. in his letter addressed to the" Live History "competition. Want to know what happened to the girl after? Read its frank history below.

He found depressed candy

"In my 8 years I just couldn't believe that my most beloved person was not - we had a special connection with the dad. I, of course, loved my mother, and never offended her, but we really were best friends with dad. I had a feeling that my world collapsed, but the truth I did not want to take - much later, already being an adult, at the reception, the psychologist said that at that time I had a shock combined with depression - a difficult condition for a child. " Alena recalls that mom then sent her to live to her grandmother into a nearby city, because she had to re-build her with her daughter's life, which was spent a lot of time and effort. The heroine writes that he was offended by Mom and considered it a traitor, because he did not know that all means of the family were spent on dadino, and two mom would not pull on their salary. Living at Grandma, Alena began to love negative emotions Sweet - before Dad always gave her candy when she sad to "sweeten the mountain," as he spoke to the girl.

The girl was hard to survive the death of dad

The girl was hard to survive the death of dad


The first love

"Come to a new school, I experienced even more stress - a new program guys, and before school had to get in the bus on the bus, and not on foot, as before. Grandma lived in the north, and then in Krasnodar - a completely different city, where everything was, and there was nothing at the motherland. " Relations with classmates were not charged: Alena explains this by the fact that "in the north is all evil, not what we have in the south." She managed to make friends only with Misha - a boy of parallel. Then, both of them were nine, but Misha, like a gentleman, surrounded the girl with attention - that she always received from Pope and what she was especially lacking after his death. The guys talked for several years until Alane was eleven - she confessed to a friend in his oldest feelings. "It was a completely charming children's love, which was the sincerity and revival of me, lost an eight-year-old girl, who sobbed at night in a pillow and cursed his own life."

It happens only in a fairy tale

I read on the story of the heroine, we wanted to see in her a typical ending on how they rose from Misha, got married and live happily to this day. However, the reality dictated its conditions: Mom about six months wrote Alena, that she will soon come and take her home. The girl wanted to go home, but the day of parting with her first love she was with difficulty. However, Misha convinced the girl in that they would be fine - they exchanged addresses and began to write each other filled with the tenderness of the message. So six months passed, until Alain realized that nothing was left of the former love - she turned out this children's love, in which her basic need was to fill the place of her father male attention.

The heroine often represents how her first love now looks

The heroine often represents how her first love now looks


Everything went away, and the memory remained

"If not Misha, I don't know who I was now. Only after many years later, I understand that that little boy was my Savior - it was this role that he accepted in those "relationships" while I was a victim and cried on his shoulder every day. He revived me and made me believe that my life without dad is possible. I always remember it on November 14th - on his birthday, I will make it all good, and imagine that he is now somewhere with his family and they have everything perfectly. "

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