Useful tips: how to get rid of hangover


Even before laying on the bed, you can make several timid attempts to facilitate your condition.

Digestive enzymes. Doctors recommend immediately after the party to take a one-time dose (usually it is twice as much as in the instructions). Enzymes will help unload the gastrointestinal tract, especially if there was a lot of snacks along with alcohol. The activity of the pancreas will reduce, and therefore reduce the risk of the attack of pancreatitis. Reduce the rotting of proteins in the intestine and stagnation of undigested food, in which alcohol accumulates.

Sorbents. Activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight) or more modern drugs absorb alcohol and products of its recycling. But there is a prerequisite: after two hours it is necessary to empty the intestine. Otherwise there will be a reverse reaction. Therefore, sorbents are better taken when you just gathered home and you still have to get to the cherished bed.

Lemon juice, vitamins of group V. After the party you need to dissolve lemon juice with water in terms of 1: 2. Such a drink accelerates metabolism and helps to withdraw the poisons from the body. The same applies to vitamins. But it is not necessary to take polyvitamins, namely thiamine (B1) and pyridoxine (B6).

It is impossible after feast

Drink a lot of water before bedtime. The fact is that it will not facilitate the morning hangover, but the edema will provide. It is impossible after the subject of drinking milk, as it loads the pancreas, and coffee - it has an excessive load on the heart and aggravates the action of alcohol. Many drink aspirin, paracetamol or citrate. It is impossible to do this. Only six hours after the last swollen winery. Aspirin can cause gastric bleeding. Paracetamol and citrate couple with alcohol are very harmful to the liver.

Can be in the morning

Specialists recommend immediately after awakening to make the enema. This will help get rid of too much and facilitate the work of the body. But the laxatives are not recommended. Help in the detoxification of the body: lemon juice, diluted in water one to two, honey, dairy drinks, kvass, antipocrine preparations, brine (1 cup before use of water), mineral water, aspirin (better spin, 500 mg per 35 g of body weight) . Remove the edema and get rid of the headache, which is caused by the stagnation of fluid in the intercellular spaces, can be a contrasting shower (start with hot water) or a campaign to the bath (but only for healthy people, without heart problems).

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