Does the Organization of Detox: the story of delusions


Whom of us after the abundant New Year's feasures did not attend the thought: maybe it's time to clean the body, and then the Salad Olivier for a couple with herring under a fur coat inside Jigu-jiga dance? Further events are developing in the same scenario. A man who tortured champagne and dishes with mayonnaise opens the sites of detox specialists and finds out the scary. For example, that our liver is a warehouse dangerous toxins. Moreover, for many years of unrighteous life, they accumulated in the intestines, and there they constitute malicious plaques there, which are so easy to get rid. Well, then there are proposals to take part in weekly detox-programs, during which you will wake up at five o'clock in the morning, to celebrate a new day in the yoga post "Greeting the Sun", drink Celery Juice, there is like a bird, walk a lot and make cleaning enemas on Sleep coming. All this is supported by the enlightened stories of eyewitnesses about how after a couple of weekly intense detox weeks, they threw ten extra kilograms, and at the same time ten years.

The inclusion in the diet of broccoli, salads with olive oil and dried fruits will support the work of the liver, and the rich with probiotics fermented fermented intestines will help

The inclusion in the diet of broccoli, salads with olive oil and dried fruits will support the work of the liver, and the rich with probiotics fermented fermented intestines will help


Immediately I want to say, nothing bad is to abandon bad habits for a couple of weeks, to start eating more products of plant origin and exchange your favorite sofa on many hours, of course, no. On the contrary, one solid benefit. That's just the term "Detox" all of the above has nothing listed. He appeared ninety years ago, and detoxification medicine emerged to maintain the health of people undergoing powerful toxic effects. The liver in the case, for example, many years of work on chemical production can really stop functioning normally. And this organ is multitasking. In addition to the synthesis of bile, bilirubin, cholesterol, replenishment of glycogen and vitamins replenishment A, D and B12, its main property is to neutralize xenobiotics, foreign chemicals for our body, as well as neutralization and output from the body of hormones and toxic exchange products: ammonia, acetone, phenol and ethanol. Already from the description of the liver functions, it is clear: if it is healthy, the toxins cannot accumulate in it. If the like happened, it's too late to drink dietary supplements and Borjomi, to think about urgent hospitalization just right. With plaques in the intestine is still more interesting. None of the doctors have never seen them. There was even a scandalous story when patients of one detox center were sold tablets, allegedly withdrawing them. In fact, pills contained a plastic substance. She came out of the body, but the placebo effect was achieved - people believed that they would now live long and happily. At the same time, the intestine is constantly rushing - the occupation is risky, there is a serious risk to disrupt its natural microflora.

The best product for powerful detoxification of the body is a sea cabbage. Laminarium contains alginic acid, which has the ability to bind and remove heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body without disturbing the intestinal flora

The best product for powerful detoxification of the body is a sea cabbage. Laminarium contains alginic acid, which has the ability to bind and remove heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body without disturbing the intestinal flora


In a word, modern detox programs would be more honest to be called generally eating. You are kept on a reduced cone, and you lose weight. Conduct more time in the fresh air and increase physical activity, which helps to restore sleep function and improve the color of the face. The rest is pure marketing. After all, to lay out honestly earned money for the educathere, who in the morning drives you for a walk, no one is ready, but to spend money on a new-fashioned miracle methodical methods of detox and decorated in the form of kapers Salad compositions from broccoli, chicory leaves and celery stems - a completely different business.

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