5 stupid things for which tourists pay


When we go to rest, we do not get ready to get not only pleasant emotions and impressions, but also prepare to spend a major amount. After all, you noticed how much tips exist on the network on the topic of savings on the journey?

However, the tourist business is more stupid and even for each Council on how to bypass this or that trick, enterprising businessmen come up with all new imaginary services.

We picked up for you five services and things, Zak which we basically do not have to pay, but in the future such an approach to negotiation can become quite real.

At the moment this service is free in almost all establishments

At the moment this service is free in almost all establishments

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

1. When asking to open a bottle of wine in a restaurant

At the moment, this service is free almost in all establishments, but be prepared for the fact that in a short time, in addition to plane tickets and passports, you will need to have a corkscrew. Because if you order a bottle in a restaurant, for example, a foreign hotel, you will require compensation, and quite decent. So in one Spanish restaurant with a tourist for opening a bottle, almost half of the cost of the bottle itself took. However, the warning about this package hung on the wall of the restaurant.

2. Fitting clothes

Prices for things and are so forced to see them and hang back, and there is also an additional "bonus". Again, Spain can be "the foundation" of this idea: one of the officials offered to enter the payment as soon as you enter the fitting room. The woman outraged that people simply try their clothes in the store and do not buy it. Pretty dubious way to support the internal business.

3. Tour choice

Travel agencies either do not dreamed and think over the increase in profits, sometimes quite strange methods. This innovation expects Russia first of all, as the majority of complaints about tourists come from Russian tour operators. The essence of claims are that people simply come to ask the tour manager about suitable directions, after which they leave and order a similar tour from another company, but in a much acceptable price. As a result: the employee worked, and there is no result for the company. By solving these issues, tour operators see a pre-fee for consultation. In case you buy a tour, your money will enter the price of the tour, and if not - no one will return them to you. By the way, this method is practiced in some countries.

Clothes fitting

Clothes fitting

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

4. Additional miles of flight

This is a rather unusual situation, but it may well happen. Imagine that you make a transplant at the airport, and then the carrier announces the entire salon that it is necessary to "add" for the next few hours of flight. Yes, this situation is quite real. Such a case occurred in Austria, when the passengers did a transplant to fly to England. The airline on speakerphone announced that passengers should be paid for the continuation of the flight, since the company itself ended with funds and it cannot deliver tourists to the destination. For a minute, the company asked for more than twenty thousand euros! As a result, passengers still had to upset.

Additional miles fly

Additional miles fly

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

5. Extra people on board the aircraft

Currently, if there is such a situation that the board is overflowing, the airline is engaged in this issue. Nevertheless, one British company once shifted its duties on passengers. Employees of the company asked several passengers to fly by another flight. Of course, such a "request" outrageous passengers and they demanded compensation. After that, the pilot was not confused and declared all passengers that the plane would not fly anywhere until the desired amount would be gathered on the "extra" passengers. And in this case, people had to surrender and pay.

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