Reese Witherspoon: "You will not even imagine how I was afraid to become a single mother"


With his first husband, actor Ryan Phillipp, Reese met at the party in honor of his 21st anniversary - in 1997. How he was joking herself, he became her gift at the age of adulthood. Young people seemed to be their love forever. Soon they got married, daughter's daughter was born, and then the son of the wilderness. But, alas, it did not save their union. What caused the separation of people who once adored each other? In a statement about the dissolution of marriage Reese referred to "irreconcilable disagreements". In the press, he wrote that Ryan could not accept the role of the "second violin": against the background of a successful wife, which the directors called in their films and which became the owner of the most prestigious film chamber, he looked fad. Roman Phillippa with Australian actress Abby Kornish added oil into the fire. Reese could not forgive betray. The divorce lasted for almost a year, and she was hard for him.

Hollywood agent Jim is the second attempt to create a family. They got married in 2011, and another year later the kid of Tennessee appeared on the world, named after the American state, where Riz spent his childhood. By the way, Ryan Phillipp commented on the important events in the life of the former spouse: "I can wish them only happiness. Reese is a beautiful woman, but I could not dream about the best mother for my children. " High relationships!

With the birth of a third child, Reese began to be filmed less often, and every appearance on the screen is an event. They write that the film "Wilder", filmed by the director Jean-Mark Valle on the novel of the novel Sheril Stret, can bring actress the second Oscar. She herself admits that this story "Women with difficult fate" is extremely excited. Everyone has difficult times, but most importantly - as we overcome the adversity.

Reese, you consider one of the most beautiful actresses of Hollywood. How often do you think about your appearance?

Reese Witherspoon: "I am not going crazy in search of the most fashionable things. And I do not play the beaten Hollywood game, according to the rules of which many actresses are trying to desperately comply with generally accepted beauty standards. I am very often witnessing this kind of "madness", it scares. I needed some time to understand that I would never be the most slender, intelligent, cool and sexy woman in Hollywood. I just do not participate in this grueling competition! "

Reese Witherspoon:

In Hollywood, it is not in vain talking about the "Oscar" curse. Having received a golden statuette for the film "Punify the hell," Reese was divorced soon with his husband, actor Phillipp, Ryan. Photo: AP images.

You have received international fame due to the role in the film "Blonde in Law". What are the advantages and disadvantages to be blonde?

Reese: "I probably notice me more often. It helps me first jump into a taxi if there is a queue. (Laughs.) But also look at me as a woman without any brain. Especially as in my case: You're a blonde, you are from the south, you are supersexapile, but not unhappy ... Many winners did not believe that I can cope with serious roles just because of my appearance. It is so incredibly stupid! "

If you turn back and remember your minor cinema work, how did you feel then from a creative point of view?

Reese: "For several years it was hard for me. I felt lost - I did not know what I wanted, all the time was in search. But about three years ago, we, together with my partner, opened our Producer Company. We began to promote more feminine characters, offering interesting, dynamic roles. In our work, clarity and purpose appeared, and it's great. It's nice to feel ourselves "on the wave."

In the melodrama "wild", which will soon come on the screens, you played a drug addict, a woman who divorce the bed with whom will have to. Evenually you have to see you in such projects!

Reese: "For an actress with such a long career, like mine, this film deserves an exclamation: Oh, damn it, finally! How cool finally honestly talk about everything. I invested my money in this picture. And, before reaching a film studio with him, we worked for a long time on the script. I just did not want to hear: Oh, we do not want to see the riz that has sex ... Oh, can we solve the use of the mother words? It would be the case when the script passing through too many filters and corrections becomes "purified", losing its original truthfulness. "

Because the heads of the studio are afraid that the main character will lose its "attractiveness"?

Reese: "The idea that the actress can and cannot do on the screen has changed much. I think it happened to a large extent thanks to the wonderful writers who tell honest stories and analyze female sexuality without shame. I am infinitely glad to be part of this. I have never seen such a movie like a "wilderness", where a woman is alone, without a loved one, without money, without a family, without opportunity, but she, no matter what, continues to live. The death of Mother Cheryl significantly influenced the plot of the film. Add here the heroin and a chain of disposable connections ... Sex for one night in an attempt to awaken from the grief of numb feelings. No studio would allow me to play all this. I wanted to show the truth so that everything was real, as in life. "

Yes, he says a lot about Cheryl in his book ...

Reese: "And this" Much "also concerns me, understand? I was married, I divorced. I did not lose my mother, but my grandmother died with very similar circumstances: from the aneurysm, very unexpected. Thought Sheril that everything that happens to us is part of us - the right one. "

Reese argues that the son, Tennessee, - a blond copy of her second husband, Jim Tota. Photo: AP images.

Reese argues that the son, Tennessee, - a blond copy of her second husband, Jim Tota. Photo: AP images.

Shooting were difficult?

Reese: "This is the most difficult film in my life! Of course, I did not go on foot for a thousand miles, but the physical burden was a considerable one. (Having lost hope that life will get better, the heroine of Reese goes in search of himself in a thousand-minute walking along the Pacific Crest trail, which runs along the highest sites of the Sierra Nevada Ridge and Cascade Mountains in America and Canada. - Approx. Auth.). I rose to the mountain with a forty-phantiphota backpack, and heard from the set: wait, the backpack does not look hard enough - put sixty-five pounds in it and run up nine or ten times. We shot almost without stopping, without making breaks for lunch, only quickly snapped something easy. There was no time to even run in the toilet! (Laughs.) Madness, but it was so wonderful! Full immersion in the work, and I never felt so close to the film crew. We literally pulled each other in the mountains and helped to drag our equipment to each other. But even harder was with bed scenes, which I was so afraid that I even invited the hypnotist - help me calm my nerves. I have everything in my life: husband, beautiful house, successful career, money, children - all. And yet I still want to do something important, go beyond my comfort, show something new. It is not about showing yourself, but to give the maximum interpretation of the role. It should be just me. I am almost naked in the film, and I am thirty-seven years old. My body is far from perfectly, but let it be as it is. "

Were there any moments in your career when you felt that jumping above your own head?

Reese: "Yes. Approximately every three months I have a new role, and every time I ask myself: uh, you're solid enough to do it, you will not break the most important place? And I recognize it only in the process of filming. Half of time on the set I feel like it is suspended on a nail, and I do not know what the hell am I doing here. For my life, I starred in several paintings, which were actually exciting, meaningful, along with such, which are not worth remembered. The film "Wilder" I can safely place in my treasury. "

On Hollywood standards, you very much became my mother, your career just started ...

Reese: "The pregnancy was not planned, but from the first meeting we knew what we want to be together. We have already talked about marriage, and when I learned that I was pregnant, I only had to decide on the wedding date. The prospect of becoming a mother collapsed on me completely unexpectedly, I and the child did not hold the newborn before that! Of us two - newly new parents, Ryan turned out to be calmer. In those days, his mother was the owner of a kindergarten. She taught him to change diapers about five seconds. It was amazing to watch how deftly he was managed with them! "

You did not worry about what your relationship is developing too rapid?

Reese: "No. I always thought: you should feel who will be your companion of life, from the very first moment of the meeting. Ryan and I were confident in my feelings. We both knew how difficult it was to coexist in our acting environment, refer to the category of "celebrities". But we can not be afraid of all their lives?! Seven years of marriage with Phillippom gave me the opportunity to really understand what it is - to share life with another person, and what is marriage. And this, I tell you, not at all what I used to think before the wedding. "

How did you survive the divorce?

Reese: "Very and very hard ... I was at the limit. I understood it when I got married a second time. Only then I felt relief. You can't even imagine how I was afraid to become a single mother. Stress, the feeling of anxiety was just huge. I would say it is a real injury! Now I feel the endless support for my husband Jim. It is such a dizzying feeling - to be the one that needs! The only one! And you are amazed, as after falling and dark days without hope there is someone who is sure that he wants to be with you. "

According to Western standards, the actress early became a mom. Now her daughter Ava is already fifteen, and the son of a dishona is eleven years old. Photo: AP images.

According to Western standards, the actress early became a mom. Now her daughter Ava is already fifteen, and the son of a dishona is eleven years old. Photo: AP images.

Did you have a fear that Jim will not take your children?

Reese: "After I and Phillips divorced, one of our buddy told me just a terrifying phrase. He said: No man will never accept other people's children. I think this is the worst thing I've ever heard in my life. But I was determined to find a person who would prove me that it is not so! When I met Jim, I told myself: I was lucky - it's he! Jim is actually wonderful! He loves my children. And now we have a Tennessee. He is a blond version of my husband. Such a pretty, just a miracle! ".

How did you get acquainted with Jim?

Reese: "He fell as snow on his head. (Laughs.) I met him at a party for general friends. There was one guy, a pretty jerked, who put an eye on me. He shouted something demanded and seemed to me a complete idiot. Jim approached and said: I ask, forgive my friend, he recently broke up with a very close man, and he is bad. Since our acquaintance did not fit into the category of romantic, Jim added: "I will show you what it means to be a good satellite of life. I will take care of you. And I will try that you get used to my concerns. " I never said so ...

I can say, we are not always easy with Jim. We are both very stubborn people. And sometimes it's not so easy to find the points of contact, you can understand, choose the right solution to us. But I think that there is no pair in the world, which would have ever had no feeling of misunderstanding, did not feel discomfort. Or there was no desire to just take a break from each other, to be alone. Calm down. Think about everything ... "

Yes, of course ... Your deep connection is felt in friendly relations between Jim and your first husband.

Reese: "Yes, and I am infinitely glad! Probably, few pairs can establish such relationships between families. I believe that I was lucky in my life! When I talk to women who fell into a heavy life situation, for example, the divorce, I say to them: "Everything is bad will be completed. I understand, it sounds too simple, but it really is. And you will become another person, better than you are now. " But once they inspired the same thing, and I did not believe. You must look at yourself from the side, for your behavior, for life. Understand yourself, understand what kind of person you would like to be who you see next. Sit down and write down everything on points. And it will come true! "

Zhanna Vostrikova

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