Walkingless angel


Walkingless angel 43829_1

Morning clearly did not ask.

First, this dream. Waking up, Marina tried to collect pieces of slipping images. She came out of the train, leaving things there. The composition was moved, Marina did not have time to pop up into the car. Sleep residue passed in attempts to intercept the train at other stations, but he walked somehow an intricate route, and Marina in a dream no longer understood how she needs these things so much ...

Hydrone climbed in the dream book. The interpretations were the sea - from "Your chance missed" to "to the responsible work". "No prose from these dreams," Maryna thought and went to cook coffee. On the way to the kitchen embarrassing the little gypsum angel hanging on a large vase from thin glass. Angel spliced ​​on the floor and fell apart exactly into two parts: the wings - separately, a chubby caller - separately. It was a pity to throw out, although broken, they say, you can not keep in the house. Marina gently put the remains of Angel on the shelf next to the vase and even more upset. What's happening? First, the train, now here is an angel ...

She got used to think that in life everything is not just so that accidents does not happen that everything that is happening is some kind of sign. Today's signs she did not understand, it was anxious to the soul. But there is an important day, serious negotiations, on which the company's budget depends. It is necessary to be collected and focused.

She put on a new trouser gentle-salad suit, the top, as it is fashionable to speak, powder. In the tone handbag and shoes. A business version with a shade of sexy is what is needed for the current moment.

In the stairwell, next to the elevators, on the wall hung announcement of the meeting of owners of housing. Through all the announcement with a handle, it was written in the handle: "Thief!" Below, finely: "And you tell you in your eyes!"

"People live by passions," thought Marina. When just have time?

Marina itself lived measured and systematically. Her life was planned for years ahead. Now there was a career time. She clearly knew what she wanted, put the goals, solved the tasks. Everything turned out.

Marry scheduled to exit thirty-five, by calculation. If the calculation turns out to be true, then the marriage will be successful. The main thing is to respect each other and have common goals. The child should be given away at once, one, three months later to return to work - good, with professional babysitters, now it is not at all that in her own childhood, you can find.

Now Marina was thirty-three. The age of mature youth, the heyday of women's strength. Before the planned marriage, there was still time, and it has not yet been bored with the search for a suitable option. Time will come - the option will arise! In the meantime, you need to enjoy youth and for anything that do not bonded connections. The theory of a glass of water, which someone came up with the revolutionary last century, - such as entering the relationship as easily as drinking a glass of water, was very close to her.

Marina brilliantly held negotiations, proud of himself, allowed himself a rarity -wti from work before usual. On the way home drove into the grocery - replenish reserves of useful and healthy food. She watched it carefully, rightly believing that appearance and health are no less important for a career than mind and education. After carefully choosing fruits and yogurts, checking the composition and shelf life, she swept to the checkout where the line was gathered. The people in the store there were generally a lot, as usual in the evenings, and some chronic, the stirmers along the shelves, flew right on her trolley ...

When he turned around, Marina waspowdered.


They were so called him at school. He had angels from him, with an emphasis on E, he had some Bulgarian roots. And of course, the nickname closed immediately from the first class. Only teachers called him by name, Peter, and the guys are simple - an angel. He got used to responded.

It was not an angels at all. He always sticking out some naughty vortices, in the eyes of the khaki's color was danced sparkle, he was cheerful, restless, composed songs, was the start.

He was her first love. And the only one.

They fell in love with each other in the first grade. They were planted for one desk, he looked at her carefully and asked: "What is your name?"

At that moment Marina fell in love. She still remembers his white shirt, a blue school suit and hair thrown over the summer.

The first seven classes they were inseparable. They called themselves for two hundred times a day, they walked together, went to the parks and in the movies. She studied both well, parents and teachers were encouraged by their friendship.

After the seventh, he was sent for all summer to relatives in Bulgaria. Parting, they were sobbing, scumped to each other in pockets of the notch with the words of love, promised to call every day.

Her parents, seeing that she was bored after the departure of Peter, they quickly have fallen quickly, bought a ticket immediately into two shifts in the "Orlyonok".

In Olenka, life was completely adult. Young counselors, night fires, daytime hiking, sea, sun, youth, hot bodies on the sand ...

She did not even understand how it happened. It seems they would simply kissing with the leader Lesha - it was interesting and new. She even anticipated how to see Peter in this small frivolous adventure - a kiss with the counselor ... But kisses somehow quickly moved into his arms, then in stripping, and Marina in a semis, feeling pain, turned off ...

The next day, Lesha left the camp, affirming the patient and not saying goodbye to her. She layered for two days with a high temperature, until their parents arrived and did not take her home, all the way a bewiered, where she could hook a cold in such a heat ...

What to do next, Marina did not know. She felt dirty, desecrated. Fallen woman. Such a woman was not enough for an angel - no one. But an angel is first of all.

She demanded from parents to translate her to another school, blowing some nonsense about the languages ​​that are not fully given here. Those led. They were alened in mid-September, when they realized that their friendship with the angel was over: he did not come to visit, did not call. She got twisted here, altered something. Angela she called only once, said that she loved another guy and they need no need to meet anymore. He did not ask a single question and there was no more in the life of Marina. It turns out that you can live in the same city, in one area and do not intersect ... And then Marina and changed the area at all, disappeared with his parents.

It turns out, they have not seen almost twenty years.

Marina stood, looked at the angel, and in his soul it was raging the same passion as the terrible summer. It turns out that she loved, loved, loved him all this time - not remembering, not admitting himself. How is he handsome, Lord! And did not change at all! The same eyes, the same vortices ...

- Marina? - he said uncertainly.

"You are mistaken," she answered, taking himself in his hands, and quickly passed by him to the checkout.

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