7 ways to engage a man in parenting and care for a child


When we consider children's drawings, the eyes rush like kids sometimes depict dad and mom differently. It happens that mom on these drawings appears a huge giant with a lot of hands, like Shiva, and dad, on the contrary, drawn sophisticated and almost air. And this is not surprising, in the hands of mothers, the main functionality of the family is usually concentrated, including the education of the younger generation. The Pope lies basically the task of financial support of the cell of society.

Today, attitudes towards roles in the family is changing. Women increasingly occupy senior positions, they earn enough and do not always have the opportunity to independently engage in the child. Men are increasingly manifesting the initiative and the desire to fully participate in the life of their child. Of course, those families, where the child's care completely lies on a woman, but she wants to maximize his husband in this process, because it is possible to grow a harmonious personality only when both parents are engaged in her upbringing. Therefore, it is so important to involve the dad into the care of the child and its upbringing from the moment of the appearance of the light.

Olga Romaniv

Olga Romaniv

1. Do not take on all

The birth of a child imposes a huge amount of responsibilities for each woman, which, even despite global fatigue and postpartum depression, they do not want to share them with their husbands. In fact, not all husbands are burning with a desire to get up at night to a tender baby or feed it in a mixture of a mixture, which is still needed to cook, cool, pour into a pre-sterilized bottle. Such men are always ready for this case the excuse that in the morning they need to go to the office, where they will earn money for their family, so they need a full-fledged vacation. As if he had just gave birth to a woman he was not needed. Of course, money is needed, and let the husband gets up, but after work or on weekends you do not prevent you from bringing it to care for your child. Swimming, changing diapers, walk - you also need to relax, you are tired. Therefore, boldly delegate part of my authority to her husband, and let him feel what it means to be a parent. In addition, the formation of paternal feelings occurs only when the Father spends time with the child.

2. Discuss all questions together

Fighting with night and daytime tantrums, colic, teething teeth, jumping, should not build a Komsomolets-Volunteer. Do not shine your difficulties, talk about fatigue. A man himself won't guess that you are hard and need help. Just he is so arranged: if he does not talk about the problem, he will think that she is not: what are you and so beautiful with everything they cope. And this is not so - you need sympathy, satisfying help and support.

3. Share positive emotions

The child is not a bunch of problems, but love, happiness and joy. Be sure to share this joy with her husband, because he is at work and all the completeness of happiness is not aware. Therefore, do photos not only for Instagram, but also for your faithful - let it enjoy, experiences pride, positive and other pleasant emotions.

The formation of paternal feelings occurs only when the father spends time with the child

The formation of paternal feelings occurs only when the father spends time with the child

Photo: unsplash.com.

4. Do not criticize

Of course, men do everything wrong. Not so smear the ass of the baby with cream, do not wear the hat on the street, not in that quantities poured a foam in the bath. But didn't your mother say that if you criticize a man, he will stop doing something. Therefore, stop sowing the negative, try to find another way to show your husband, as it should be affectionately, gently, unobtrusively, with love.

5. Welcome independence

Stop standing behind him in full combat readiness, while he changes the diapers or bathes the baby: he himself understands that it is necessary to be careful, and then you will eat it with guts. Let's make her husband more freedom, do something so as not to be nervous. You look, he will taste and starts to take the initiative.

6. Encourage, praise, appreciate your man

First, a man needs a feeling that you support it that all his actions and actions you value, and you respect it. And it is very important to pronounce and praise your man. So the right family policy is formed. Do not forget to engage in it and baby, say out loud, turning to him, what dad you are well done and what you need to take an example.

7. Cut the time together

Another way to encourage and establish family relationships is the time together. Very often, we, women, focus all their attention on the child, and husbands feel no time at this time. It seems to them that they exist separately from you and the baby, and their task is only to bring a salary in the keyboard, and this is absolutely wrong. You are just busy baby - for you now it's caring number 1. But still, to preserve good relationships about the beloved husband, you should not forget and invent something for a joint pastime - only together.

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