Signs of stress: how to understand that you do not just have a bad mood


To understand that you are stress, not the mood swings, just enough: It is difficult for you to focus not only at work, but also at home; You have become forgetful, which did not notice earlier; Communicating with friends or colleagues, you do not understand their humor, on the contrary, their jokes annoy you; You have a constant feeling of hunger, and alcohol begins to want to want more and more; You can't fall asleep for a long time and often wake up among the night; Men may experience problems with erection, women absolutely lack sexual desire; The body also responds to stress - you are more often sick, tormented heartburn, headache. If you have noticed at least something from the listed, it's time to consult a doctor.

Exercises that help struggle with stress: breathing delay, respiratory gymnastics, temple massage, etc. It helps the right breathing. When you can't fall asleep and there is neither strength, no desire to get up to drink tea with honey or milk, you need to make the maximum exhalation, and then a little inhale, literally one second - and again exhale. This manipulation must be done 9 times, right up to a small trembling of the whole body. After that, to make a full breath - it turns out incredibly long, as a result, a large amount of oxygen falls into the body, you are experiencing a lung tingling in the head and everything body. All this allows you to completely relax and fall asleep almost instantly. It is very important to do this exercise correctly: the exhalation should be so complete as possible, and inhale - extremely short. You must feel how the abdominal muscles are reduced to you, until the feeling that there is nothing to breathe. In addition, while the exercise, the body is very well saturated with oxygen, it helps to reveal to a lot in full. As a rule, most people breathe what is called, not complete breasts, using a maximum of the third part of the lungs. Applying this practice, you help your easy to reveal at 100 percent, which contributes to full breathing. And everyone knows that the work of the heart, brain and the whole organism depends on the right breathing.

Alexander Vdovin

Alexander Vdovin

Tips on the ejection of negative energy - swim, shovel in the forest, break paper, dance plasticine, twist the hoop. It also is important not to confuse stressful state with a bad mood. A person can get out of himself by weight of the reasons, and in this situation - yes, relevant and screams, and torn papers, and the dishes abandoned on the floor. Everyone has different temperament. No normal doctor will advise a calmly balanced person to move the subjects at the very first signs of stress. The emission of negative energy is needed, it is true. But when you have sharply deteriorated mood, you are unlikely to remember exactly what kind of fighting councils with stress read in a fashion magazine. This is all happening in the moment, shrinking. The main thing is not to keep anger in yourself, but do not harm others.

- How to indulge yourself?

Buy a new skirt, perfume, etc. Therapy shopping is really very effective, the main thing is not to climb into debts, satisfying your controversial needs. And so, if you please this and help you to get away from sad thoughts, of course, go to the store and treat yourself to new clothes. Women go on shopping, men - in casino or slot machines. But it is necessary to remember the feeling of measure, then not to justify holes in the family budget with their desire to "relax" and "remove the tension".

- Medical assistance - is it worth drinking valerian women / dusts?

If the nature of stress is psychosomatic, then yes, sedatives are quite well coped with it. True, they do not work as, for example, painkillers that act instantly. Valerian and dye leave alone, it's better to have the same perrsen, the concentration of the active substance in one capsule is much higher than in the drops of tincture.

- Aromatherapy - Does it work? What to buy, what odors help?

You will not exactly definitely help the smell that you do not like and is annoying. There is no universal council that fits all. Aromatherapy itself can really be useful, because there is no wonder in massage salons, where it is necessary to achieve the effect of relaxation, various kinds of aromatic sticks are used. And choose the smell to taste, someone likes a lavender or citrus, and the other is musk and vanilla.

- What products help fight stress? I read that garlic helps with stress.

Proper nutrition in principle is quite important. Citrus - grapefruit, orange, mandarin, and kiwi, bananas, pear, red pepper cope with nervous tension. It will not be superfluous if you need to add basil, coriander and celery. Excellent copes with stress grapes and peaches. They have a lot of potassium, which strengthens the nervous system, not to mention the fact that they are very tasty, which in itself also causes positive emotion.

You need to start in order to clear your head from sad thoughts, switch attention

You need to start in order to clear your head from sad thoughts, switch attention


- Does yoga help with stress? If so, how and why?

Yes, if you are familiar with one of the practices, yoga can be a very effective way to get rid of stress. Doing yoga, a man tolerates focus on breathing and physical sensations of the body. Thus, the voltage and accumulated fatigue goes outward, which contributes to soothing.

- Does reading when stress? If so, how and why?

If a person is a big fan of reading and ready to do this at any time and with any mood, then no one has the right to deprive him of such an opportunity. But the reading itself is not a medicine from stress. Moreover, if you have a literature of dubious origin and orientation in your hands, it may aggravate the situation. I am no longer talking about online forums, where people share their experience in one way or another, and, often, all this is rolling towards swearing and conflict, and not to constructive dialogue or delometric advice.

- Psychological installations when dealing with stress. How to configure yourself not to be nervous, what to talk to yourself?

Everything is very simple: you need to start in order to clean your head from sad thoughts, switch attention. It is not worth sitting and getting off the hopelessness of the situation, engage in self-vacation or analysis of the years. There is a small trick that, oddly enough, works. You give yourself the installation that you think about all the problems tomorrow morning, as soon as you wake up. Patiently, several times in a row inspire yourself that tomorrow, and not now, you will look for a decision and exit from the situation that today seems to you a waters. And you know what will happen next? The problem is if it does not disappear, it will definitely lose its seriousness and significance by giving way to something more pressing.

- Changing the situation during stress. How important it is to ride the city and so on.

No wonder they do not run away from ourselves. When you have a cargo of problems, no ride for the city or to another country will not solve them. But if you have a light melancholy or stress due to the fact that you have enjoyed everything that you see in front of yourself every day - yes, boldly sit down on the train, the plane, to the ship and change the situation. There is still the same principle of changing focus. To get rid of yourself from sad thoughts and do not go depressed, go to the sea or in the mountains, and if there is no such possibility, go to the nearest timber box. Nature has an amazing property: it really helps a person with one of its presence, being a natural habitat.

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