Take an head: cooking hair to spring


1. Take vitamins. To avoid the negative effects of avitaminosis, it is necessary to buy a vitamin and mineral complex. It can be both ordinary lining polyvitamins and a special hair complex.

2. Change the power mode. It is worth introducing as much greens, vegetables and fruits into its diet. And in order to cope with hair loss (and the closer spring, the fact that this process is obvious), use fatty fish (source of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3), dairy products (they are rich in calcium), legumes and nuts.

3. Combate the head massage course. Since in winter, due to low temperatures, the vessels are narrowed, the blood supply to the skin of the head is disturbed. To help hair, regularly make a head massage. Of course, to optimally go through the course of a professional. But if there is no such possibility, you can help yourself yourself. Massage the skin of the head with a massage brush (necessarily - from natural materials) in the direction of the temples to the forehead and the top of the head. Or you can rub the essential oils on massage lines - preferably black pepper, rosemary or sesame.

4. Make masks. At least once a week please your hair with nutritional masks. It can be both professional care and home. Very effective masks based on essential oils or aloe juice.

5. Remove the hairdryer away. Since after testing with winter cold, the hair is very thinned, you should not load them additionally. Try to dry your hair in a natural way. But if without a hair dryer, do not do, use the minimum temperature mode and be sure to use the appropriate means of protection against overheating - oil, sprays and serum.

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