The son of Anastasia Stotskoy is studying Chinese in three years!


Fans of singer Anastasia Stotskoy discuss news from the life of the artist. It turns out that the son of the singer is growing in advanced and in his three years already studies ... Chinese.

Anastasia Stotskaya turned out to be a very modern mother, which brings up a child, so to speak, modern methods. In particular, the singer decided to start teaching the Son already from the diaper. It is known that children under three years are ingenious, that and the artist decided not to waste time. At the biennium, the son of Nastya began to learn English. What is interesting, the star mother is also present in the classroom and thereby pulls up their knowledge! And a year later, Stotskaya added to him also ... Chinese! True, for the little Sasha classes - not at all painful test. He teaches the language in the game form: during walks with a Chinese teacher. They communicate, and so the boy knows the basics of the Eastern language. The consolidation of the program takes at home with educational bright books and cartoons.

The son of Anastasia Stotskaya masters two foreign languages ​​at once. Photo:

The son of Anastasia Stotskaya masters two foreign languages ​​at once. Photo:

By the way, the nurse of the son of Nastya works ... Philippinna named Janis. She also communicates with a child in English. Before her, Nastya changed two nanny, which did not suit it for one reason or another.

Recall that in 2010 Anastasia Stotskaya married a businessman named Sergey, the owner of the Italian restaurant in the center of Moscow. True, a man does not complain of the press and prefers not to glow in public.

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