Drinking woman - is it scary?


Female alcoholism in our country is not so significant and relevant to beat the alarm, but nevertheless this is a disease that is worth talking, since most often it is hidden forms. Yuri Pavlovich Sivolap, Narcologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology MMA. I. M. Sechenova told the Womanhit correspondent than female alcoholism differs from male and why and the other, and its other provoking corporate.

- Yuri Pavlovich, let's first determine the term, what is potential alcoholism, because to become an alcoholic should be some prerequisites? Is there such a concept?

- There is no such term in medicine. But if you enter it, I would say that on the potential possibility of the appearance of alcohol dependence indicates the presence of patients with alcoholism in the genus: if there are many of them, then the person is almost doomed to their own alcohol problems. It is worth it to start drinking, even in small quantities, very quickly addiction and consumption can be taken unlimited. If a person has a lot of drinking relatives, the impetus to the development of their own alcoholism can serve different reasons - first of all, severe emotional stresses. A frequent "motor" of alcohol abuse followed by the formation of dependence serve as insecurity, a sense of guilt, reduced self-esteem. A characteristic example of the development of alcoholism on neurotic grounds is the fear of flights. To overcome it, a person drinks at the airport or already on the plane before the takeoff, and after a few years it can no longer do without alcohol.

On the other hand, the life of a person with an unimportant heredity predisposed to alcoholism may be quite prosperous, but the negative impact on it will have a surroundings - for example, a professional community with a tradition to collective fenders or notorious "corporate stands". It is difficult to believe, but the "corporate parties" are sometimes a powerful impetus for alcoholism.

- What is the difference between female alcoholism from male?

- The specificity is that alcoholism in women usually begins later, but faster progresses. Drinking women significantly more often drinkers suffer from depression, anxiety and other mental disorders. The abuse of alcohol in women is several times more often caused by psychological problems than in men. Women later than men fall into alcoholism, but at the same time they seek help. Apparently, this can be explained by the fact that women are more responsible. But in female alcoholism, unlike male, there is a feature - the difficulty in controlling consumption. The man is easier to stop, and the lady, which was going to restrict the wine glass, does not stop and after two or three bottles. She drinks much more than planned. By the way, women are ripening more than that of men, and it is more difficult for them to quit.

- And who degrades faster - a man or a woman? And why the woman is harder to quit drinking than a man?

- Difficult question. Women are faster formed by brain damage - the so-called alcoholic encephalopathy. But at the same time, the idea of ​​more severe alcoholism and, in particular, more pronounced alcohol degradation in women is explained by social stigmatization. "Stigma" Translated from Greek - "Label, Storky". We love to condemn a drinking woman for her illness, very quickly inspire a label of a degrading personality. This is very good and writes one of the leading experts in the field of women's alcoholism, Professor Alexey Yuryevich Egorov from St. Petersburg. In fact, it is sometimes harder to stop drinking, because the drinking in women is often associated with depression or serious stress. Most often a woman experiencing loneliness, treason, unnecessariness, finds meant in a glass with wine. The victim of a detrimental habit becomes some business, whose house is empty and they are lonely there. They get used to after the heavy and nervous work "take a male stress", referring to the bottle.

- Is it possible to deal with some legitimate way with a drinking boss or boss?

-Ping subordinate to fool easily, and a fugitive, but not recognizing the boss - impossible. And to work with such a person - a day hell.

Fighting a drinking person is to fight a sick person. Sorry, but I argue as a doctor, and not as a lawyer or a prosecutor for its wards. Dismiss a man for alcoholism is the same as dismissing him for rheumatism. The patient is needed to provide medical care. Of course, if he rejects it, if he does not fulfill his duties and creates an unhealthy atmosphere in the team, then it is necessary to begin the procedure for termination of labor relations with him in accordance with applicable law.

- I often see ads that you can encode from alcoholism forever. Is the encoding methods today? Have you appeared new methods of modern treatment? In which country are they more successful?

- coding methods help individual patients. But at the same time I am convinced that it is necessary to refuse them. These methods are used only in single countries. Abstinence from alcohol based on fear is contrary to modern ideas about ethics in medicine. I would take care of the new methods of treating alcoholism. Recognized, and therefore, having scientifically proven effectiveness approaches to the treatment of any diseases are not advertised, and these approaches are not so much.

Alcohol treatment is successfully in countries with secured access to qualified medical care. An extremely important task for our country is a refusal of dispensary accounting of patients suffering from alcohol addiction. There is no benefit from this social limitation measure, but very many people with alcohol problems do not seek medical attention only from the consequences of social consequences - accounting in the drug treatment dispensary and everything is connected with this. An accounting is especially asked for a woman, it can be understood: when the neighbors or work colleagues will learn that it stands in taking into account, the woman begins to be discriminated against. With such a burden it is impossible to live calmly.

- And how effective is partial reduction in alcohol? After all, the psyche is still destroyed.

- Unfortunately, alcoholism is poorly treatable. The majority of specialists in different countries of the world came to this conclusion. Many people dependent on alcohol are not able to stop drinking completely and forever. If these people, thanks to the treatment begin to drink less often, less and with less dangerous consequences are already success. Reducing alcohol consumption when it is impossible to complete it - an effective mechanism for reducing mortality in our country. If today the society understands that only you need to reduce the amount of drunk, you can successfully live and work, and no about the destruction of the psyche of speech, fortunately, does not enter. Simple words, if there is no possibility to abandon alcohol, but there is a desire to fight - reduce the dose!

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