In search of the ideal: 5 signs that a man - Lovelace


In search of a man's dreams, women often fall into the "network" of polygamous men who are not looking for a serious relationship. Such men explain their behavior in the inability to focus on one woman, allegedly embedded in them nature. However, psychologists cannot agree with this. But how can a woman understand that the man who is not worth spending the time before her, and who will still leave her, as soon as she gets the desired?

You constantly hear about other women

Lovelace is difficult to restrain when he sees an attractive girl. Moreover, he will never be criticized, on the contrary, it will not be able to not admire, and often such men prefer to make vulgar compliments. Of course, each man draws attention to the beauties that turn out to be in the zone of their visibility, but most of them can keep themselves in the presence of a companion, if your man does not care for your reaction to his behavior, you are clearly a representative of the "genus of Casanov".

his goal is to drag you in the bed as quickly as possible

his goal is to drag you in the bed as quickly as possible


You don't know anything about him

A man who does not plan a long relationship will never let you in his life. Maximum where access you will be opened is its bed. Most often, the man tells her name and telephone, but on this everything: he will not invite you to visit, but at the same time can spend you to the house, he doesn't need to be at all, so that after the break you wait for him at the entrance to clarify the relationship, he is much It's easier just the abyss when the passion goes between you.

He tries to switch "to the offensive" faster

Any man who is important your opinion about him will not put on you and will be afraid to make a bad impression. But not if you are interested in him as a mistress for several months. As a rule, Lovelas goes into a close contact already on the first date: he is trying to press you to himself, kiss, the wildests are offered to complete the evening "in a pleasant place." The goal of lovelaes is to achieve intimacy at all costs, and what you think about it - it does not concern him.

He will try to please you

Despite the fact that the polygamous man does not care what you think about it, at the same time it will be active in your life. Not bad tactic, agree. At first glance, it may seem that he really worries, why you are so sad, will try to make you laugh and raise the mood, and what is interesting - it really works in his favor. Woman feels like a man, taking his attitude as care. This slave is achieved. Having received your location, it will be much easier for him to reduce your relationship in an intimate direction.

He often disappears

A man who can not decide on the choice of a woman often disappears from your field of view. You can spend together several days or even weeks, then it suddenly disappears and is not announced for a while. You managed to come up with an incredible development of events, but he is immediately announced and behaves, as if nothing happened. Think if you need a man who will periodically look for, and who is not going to linger with you for a long time?

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