Weak and slow today is made to destroy


I wonder why often a person does not satisfy his current state of affairs? And it doesn't matter at all, at what social stage he is, as he managed to do and what he achieved - he will still seem to appear that this is not enough. Greed? Inability to live real and appreciate what is?

I can't understand my inexhaustible desire to change something and strive for something - is it cool or is it ordinary nonsense? On the one hand, develop, dream of something bigger, to improve - by definition well, is it really important to run forward without justice? It's like to eat a cake that has long wanted, but at the same time not to enjoy them, but to think about what is sold in the store. What's the point of this?

It is important to appreciate what we have, and not belong to this as the due. It would seem that the banal truth, which has long been known to everyone, but why it is so difficult to apply it in life? For example, a couple of months ago I dreamed of finding a new job, and today it seems to me that this is not enough - you need to look yet. No, I'm not a workaholic, just when the goal is achieved, then I certainly want to go further. And in the modern world it is welcome, such desires are encouraged by society. But I can not understand if we put priorities correctly?

Vladislav Makarchuk talks about whether it is worth living in an endless pursuit of success

Vladislav Makarchuk talks about whether it is worth living in an endless pursuit of success

Photo by the author

The other day, a very important person said that in a dry residue, the girl should strive to make a family and create comfort around her. "What about self-realization?" - instantly flashed with me, because today a woman has turned the status of a housewife. And only some time after me (I think it seems) the meaning of the words said. Maybe loved by side - this is the fact that forced in the end to fully experience the joy of victory? After all, it is always nice when you can share the achievements not only with yourself.

The modern world does not give a person to relax, he caresses him and mercilessly destroys the weak and slow. We learn from everywhere about successful young people who have already built a business at our age, the world has become famous ... it will boil and pushes on the overthrow, because the question always thrills the question: "What am I worse?" But if you do not learn to enjoy your own victories, you can spend all my life in pursuit of "best days", because there will always be someone who is more beautiful, richer, smarter. Striving for new accomplishments - it's great, but what is this life such in which you are shifting for an unattainable goal? Perhaps this is another disease of my generation.

I do not urge to refuse goals and lie on the sofa. I only think about the balance, because I'm confused myself and I do not understand what I miss. It always seemed to me that I live real, at least, because I love my life, whatever moments did not happen. But sometimes I realize that I turn out to be drawn into a race with myself and stop noticing everyday simple joy. I cease to enjoy life, but simply do certain actions that allegedly lead to what I have conceived. It seems to me: That's when I achieve this, then everything will change. But no, the day of X is coming - and nothing changes. Do you have so too? After all, it has long been proven that the path is much more fascinating than the ultimate goal. In the end, our whole life is not a minute of victory on the finish, but the road to him. And I give up, in the fuss of today's days we have learned to enjoy banal troubles.

Weak and slow today is made to destroy 43706_2

"I will not run away from yourself," I am sure Vladislav Makarchuk

Photo by the author

Are there any effective tips to help you, deal with your own experiences generated by ambitions, and learn how to manage them? After all, while we are in captivity of desires, we cannot manage our actions. Perhaps the pursuit of something large is a banal instinct imposed by someone or something. If you stop and exhale on a second, you can find that life is not so heavy and incomprehensible. Perhaps the desire "I want, I myself do not know what" appears because the goals achieved do not bring the expected satisfaction, and there comes stupid disappointment. But only a person depends on how much he is pleased with his actions. This is from the series about the glass that someone sees half complete, and someone is half empty. So with the achievements: someone coldly marks them with a check mark, and others are rejoiced with trifles. And it seems to me, people from the second category are much happier, although perhaps less successful. But is it worth this notorious success of the deprivation of spiritual balance?

Movement is life, so it is always worth striving forward, but probably you still need to periodically stop to realize what you like what you are doing. Probably, then the inner harmony is preserved, and you are not going to the drunk animal.

Perhaps, in thirty years, I will argue in a different way and laugh at these arguments, but I want to believe that they will make such as I confused and confused from open prospects, we think about the second that in principle everything is fine and not It is worth running without looking back. From myself after all you will not kill, right?

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