Invisible signs of marriage


Even if you are both true to each other, do not descend money on a hobby, without having coordinated with the second half and have achieved complete agreement on confidence, it is not yet a fact that your marriage is happy. Sometimes you do not even understand that something is wrong. Or do not want to understand. Meanwhile, to give the idea of ​​the real state of affairs is necessary, because before you solve the problem, it is necessary to identify it.

Suppose you and your husband returned from work. He burst into the computer, you are in the book. It seems to be to talk, but what to talk about what is not clear. And this is a clear sign of distance due to lack of communication.

I can tell about problems in marriage and how you have changed during marriage. If you spread, lost interest in treating yourself and began to sleep badly, it smells of kerosene. Most likely, something does not suit you, but you are diligently hiding. Including from himself

There may be a reason for discontent seems to you stupid, and maybe you are sure that you tell you about everything my husband, his reaction will be too traumatic for you. In any case, you need to do something. For example, get advice from a psychologist, and finally get to the hidden reasons for your condition, and then try to eliminate them.

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