Public speeches - a whim or necessity for a successful leader


According to research on the Brazilian company SOAP Presentations, creating the design of presentations for international companies, during public speeches, 55% of success depends on non-verbal communication between the speaking and listeners, 38% - from his voice and only 7% from the content of the speech. Speaking by a simple language, it means that your ability to speak convincingly more will sell the idea than its thoughtful content. Moreover, the ability to communicate with people will come in handy to you when interacting with colleagues subordinate and partners. convince you and tells you a few secrets, how to interact with the audience.

Fear has big eyes

Nbcnews Health notes that 75% of people are afraid of public speeches. There are several reasons for this, but the main two of them are insecurity and awareness of inequalities to accommodately approach the preparation of the speech. The first is solved in the office of a psychologist who will explain to you that there are no ideal people who never make mistakes: you can stumble during the performance, the presentation may not start due to technical errors and so on. Adaptable people will never laugh at you because of this, as they understand that the troubles happen to each of us. You can overcome the fear of the second point and need careful preparation for the speech - they say that Steve Jobs spent two days at the rehearsal of its legendary presentations.

The fear of speeches is solved by solid preparation for them

The fear of speeches is solved by solid preparation for them


Tell stories, not naked facts

The study of the University of Princeston proved that during the speaker's speaker, the listeners better remember the history tolded by him, and not naked facts on slides. If you report on the year, you can name the Department that fulfilled the task and achieved high indicators. In a conversation with an audience, wishing to receive knowledge from you, you can bring an example of the story about imaginary characters and illustrate their photos. Nevertheless, we do not advise you to refuse numbers and graphs - the visual perception of information is also important for people. Change only the view of the presentation by making figures by a large font, and the explanations of them are an average font size. Leave empty space on the slide - it looks stylish and convincing.

Confident Pose

In the course of the study of Universities Harvard and Columbia, it was proved that a confident pose of a person directly affects his ability to public speeches. The authors argue that with the right position of the back and hands in the body decreases the production of cortisol and the level of testosterone is growing - a person calms down and feels confident in its own power. Keep your back straight, put your hands on the hips - if necessary, dive them, pointing to the presentation slide or a specific fact in it. Do not cross your hands and do not fold them in your pockets - the first subconsciously is considered to be listeners as an aggressive attitude, and the second will say about your insecurity.

You will all work if you attach the effort

You will all work if you attach the effort


Communicate with the audience

Not in vain during the presentation, the speakers ask the audience not to be ashamed to ask questions and express their opinion. It is in the form of a dialogue, as the study of the portal is shown, your public speech should be built. According to these data, with a monologue of the speaker, the level of listeners involvement is only 78%, whereas with dialogue it reaches 92% is an excellent indicator. We advise you to place an identifying icon on important presentation slides: tell the audience that on these slides you ask them questions. Every 10-15 minutes of the presentation, let the listeners have the opportunity to speak or answer the question. If you lecture online, contact people through chat: ask them to write numbers by choosing one of two options, or specify from which city they are and how much time they have - any simple question will help to establish communication at the beginning of the speech.

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