Loud - does not mean healthy


The first danger that excessive thinness is in charge is an increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis. More securely for the joints to have a couple of kilograms above the norm (or even ten) than to be, what is called, "skin and bone". Fat produces hormones that protect our joints.

In case of illness, the accumulated fat helps to come back faster. Even if you temporarily can't eat, your body will take the necessary energy from fat deposits.

Fat may be useful at older, when many are experiencing the symptoms of dementia, that is, senile dementia: forgetfulness, confusion in dates and names, etc. In the rented old people, dementia arises by 25% less frequently than that of subtitle.

However, it is worth remembering that doctors still consider the extra weight of one of the causes of cardiovascular diseases. It is because of this disease, the Russians are most often dying. Therefore, in pursuit of the benefits that are carrying appetizing forms, it is important not to rearrange and not bring completeness to the hypertrophied form.

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