Rich, poor man ...


Rich, poor man ... 43641_1

The theme of wealth and poverty is very controversial. So much as everyone can withstand. Therefore, I just express my opinion, and someone may join me.

What is generally "wealth" in a wide, so to speak, tangible concept? This is a fullness. In the material plan it is the same "house - the full bowl", the ability to buy yourself at least 150 expensive bags, without thinking about the meaning of this act. In short, this is what saturates.

It is necessary to be filled with a person - because it is empty without it. And the material benefits are certainly important as long as we live on this earth - I'm not going to write some truth cut off from the reality, because the money is needed. At least in order to, not be tormented about the bread of a pressing, once again think about what good it is to spend? Give something pleasant to your loved ones, close or just good people, attribute money to the shelter, of course, to please yourself what you love. Attend some institutions where art.

Help your loved ones.

It's fine.

But it seems to me that it is very important to stop and understand: what do you pour into your precious vessel? What substance is dominated there?

Material wealth has a very cunning shadow side: it is how the glory, success, talent, has all the chances of growing greed in man, pride and narrow his world to the size of a bank card. The trouble is that these people are the same billionaires who buy impenetrable number of houses - they are unhappy for me.

Because if you do not want to share what gives you the Most High (or the Universe), despite the fact that you have it climbs through the edge, it means only one thing: you have not passed the test.

I was repeatedly asked: "Would you like to be rich?"

And I honestly answered: "I would like. In order to give this money to others who did not come under this "distribution". Most likely, it will be animals, and 100% even. I don't need it anymore for anything, because I absolutely have nothing to do with it. I just don't have enough fantasy, to spend money, I don't need so much clothes, cosmetics, decorations - they never did me happy, although this is my work, and my nature - I love to dress up very much. But what I love is absolutely inexpensive - if you look at it from the point of view of specific amounts and opportunities to earn. It is essentially so little ... "

Not because I'm so good, correct or honest - I probably just a bad one ...

Dad still recalls me the case: in the school, with a girlfriend, with a girlfriend, "Secretary" with a girlfriend - the real treasure. I'm serious!

Found some 100 rubles surpassed by someone - in those times a gigantic amount. So what to do with them? Ice cream naked. Bought sodes. There were no beggars then - otherwise I would just go and distribute this money. And they did not find anything better how to go skating rink and in the rays of dull lamps, as if sowed, ... just scattered this money on the rink. These papers circled around us, flew, and we laughed and wondered for this bizarre stealing. When dad, having grown out the lack of daughter, came to the courtyard, on the rink, and saw it ...

"Lord, Lida," he stated with bitterness. - How will you live? "

Part of the money managed to save: Dad bought on them furniture for the country. It was just no one to return them - although I persuaded him to go and bury them back. We spent from the strength of rubles 5 !!!

There is another wealth - spiritual.

And here is the difference of one from another to me colossal: spiritual wealth is safe for our soul, because it is its true component. A person comes to this world naked in every sense - and with the first cry, with the first smile he rejoices the very fact of life!

Remember how little you had to be in childhood, what little things did you notice?

Snowflake sat on the nose - happiness. Snowman blinded - great. And every morning is a smile, this is a new day and this is full, frank delight!

And poverty? What to say about her? She also corrupts, as well as wealth. Poverty is angry, she gives rise to the most destroying, which may be in man, - envy, and then - despondency.

But I will say one thing - for the past test, the poverty is given more than much more than the "present" for wealth and the rescued soul.

Be able to rejoice at what is, not to spoil, do not get out and not to lower your hands - this is the greatness of the soul.

Do not lose faith in God - to strengthen.

What poverty is that wealth is a test.

And only from us depends on how we will pass it.

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