Fixed Sun: 4 Reasons to introduce sunscreen in casual care


It has been scientifically proven that regular stay in the sun increases the risk of skin cancer. Although the sunscreen does not remove it completely, still 2% of the penetration of dangerous UVB and UVA rays for a factor of 50+ and 3% for 30+ - many better than the lack of protection at all. With reference to research explains why it is important to use sunscreen.

Dry skin

As the Harvard Institute in the Scientific article "Sun-Damaged Skin" in 2017, photoborescence of the skin is accompanied by collagen damage - the protein responsible for maintaining the elasticity of the epidermis. Also collagen supports the walls of blood vessels, so when combustion of the skin in the sun, you have not only pigment spots, but also vascular stars in particularly sensitive areas of the face - on the wings of the nose, apples of the cheeks, and centuries. Sunscreen not only contains UV filters, but also moisturizes the skin due to the composition of vitamins and moisture-holder components like glycerol.

Element of the upper layer

What do we do when the skin begins to peel? Apply a scrub or mask film, not even thinking about the causes of the leather cells. The study of Japanese scientists, published in 2016 with the "The Effects of Continuous Application of Sunscreen On Photoaged Skin in Japanese Elderly People" title, showed that the impact of ultraviolet radiation is often not obvious cause of skin peeling. Damaged leather begins to separate the upper layers to ensure sufficient food of a more "young" skin, and instead receives re-damage due to non-compliance with you simple rules. In this study, the elderly women of 18 months continuously used the cream with SPF on the face before entering the sun, as a result of which it was clinically proven that the complexion became smaller and surface damage to the skin.

Sunscreen needs to be applied to everyone who over 6 months

Sunscreen needs to be applied to everyone who over 6 months


Skin color does not matter

People who do not apply SPF on the skin usually claim that they never burn. However, out of the dependence on the shade of the skin, it can be tanned by all - the epidermis is applied as much damage, since the tan is a protective reaction of the skin on ultraviolet radiation. American Academy of Dermatology recommends using SPF 30+ and above every day, regardless of what the weather outside the window - ultraviolet passes through the clouds and does not disappear during the rain. It is better if it is not moisturizing or tone cream with a protection factor, but a specialized cream from the sun.

Use of acid peeling

If you use acid tonic or pass the peelings, never go out in the sun without a cream with a protective factor 50+. Moreover, the duration of the positive effect from the procedures will directly depend on how regular you will use the cream - you need to apply it every 2 hours and more often if you sweat or contact with water. It is especially carefully refer to the area under the eyes, foreheads, lips and a nose - it is they are subject to the greatest impact of ultraviolet because of the small number of subcutaneous fat, unlike the cheeks and chin.

Protect the skin to look young as long as possible.

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