Andris Liepa does not pay for her daughter's alimony?


The legendary dancer Andris Liepa has become an active discussion in secular sidelines. It is rumored that Liepa refuses to pay the alimony of his daughter. Yes, there must still be a can of several million!

According to rumors, Liepa does not pay the alimony of his child's mother. By law, he must give 25 percent of his income, but he does not. Previously, the Star Father paid only to his daughter's studies at school. Moreover, they say, Liepa stated in the courtroom that he is not going to pay anything, since already enough participates in his child's life. In particular, Andris told that he introduced his daughter with Britney Spears. True, what does this have to refuse to pay the alimony provided for by law, he did not specify.

Some dancer fans believe that such a situation is related to the fact that the artist, in principle, began problems with finance. For several months now, he does not pay a loan, which gave him a major capital bank. Andris has repeatedly sent the agenda on the challenge to the bailiff. But, judging by the fact that there were a lot of accumulated, the dancer ignores the court rulings.

Recall that Andris Liepa will grow up to Ksenia's daughter from the former wife of Ekaterina Katkovskaya - the Ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater, on which the artist married in 1989. The couple was married in the Nikolaev Cathedral in St. Petersburg three years later, and divorced in the 2012th. Now Daughter Xenia is 15 years old.

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