Get into yourself: where to go for a complete reboot


In the light of the last events occurring in the world, it is quite obvious that our psyche is experiencing an incredible load. With the first opportunity, we will all start shooting stress, why not do it, changing the situation? For example, go on a journey where you can completely "reboot". We will tell about the most suitable directions for this.

Beach with black sand on Kamchatka

Beach with black sand on Kamchatka


Kamchatka, Russia

The real place of force, which, besides, is in our country. Kamchatka is considered one of the places to help "be cleaned", remove the whole negative, and to someone and get inspiration from these species. One of the main stops should be the current key volcano, which will not leave a single urban resident indifferent. Also, visit the beach where you can walk around the black sand, you will agree, it will be that showing friends in a photo from a trip. If you go to Kamchatka in the winter, do not miss the opportunity to swim in thermal sources that local residents praise. It is not for nothing that it is impossible to return from the travel to Kamchatka for the same person.

Bali will give you a complete relaxation

Bali will give you a complete relaxation


about. Bali, Indonesia

You can go to any part of the island, it all depends on your expectations and preferences. However, one of the places worthy of your attention is the city of Ubud, which is the center of cultural life of the island, and this is exactly what a person needs to escape from domestic and professional problems at least for a while. Here you will not find active entertainment, such as discos, round-the-clock bars or parties for surfers, Ubud attracts lovers to remember and find peace in the shower.

The popular service on the island is the consultation of the healer. People occupy a queue from early morning so that Guru spoke about what awaits them in the future and prompted how to solve this or that problem. Of course, to treat serious questions to the sages - the case of everyone, however, even a week spent in peace on a distant island will give a peace of mind at least six months.

Iceland - a unique place on the planet

Iceland - a unique place on the planet



Another place where you can experience incredible unity with nature is Iceland. The island fell on the shower of Vikings in the 9th century, since then it is impossible to say that the position of things on the island has changed a lot, except that the authentic Vikings you can no longer meet here. The state does not seek active industrial development, and therefore Iceland is one of the few places on the planet, where nature practically did not suffer from the neighborhood with a person.

After going on a journey, do not miss the opportunity to go on a geothermal lake, which is the popular attraction of the country. Come up with a better place to relaxation than the water of thermal lakes of Iceland, difficult. If you want to shut up at the end of the leave, go to Akureyri ski slopes.

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