Sit at home: water treatments, active moisturizing and full relax


Just add water

Even if you constantly venture the whole apartment, all the same air in the premises dry. And dehydration of the skin - the Beach of all those who are few outdoors. That is why it is so important to actively moisturize it. Moisturizing hair spray, face and body NAPCA MOISTURE MIST from the American Nu Skin brand with one touch will provide the skin so necessary to her moisture and will give fine well-being. For this, two active ingredients are responsible: hyaluronic acid (a proven and efficient means to maintain the skin of the humidity desired) and another well-known humidifier - NAPCA (helps the skin to accumulate moisture and maintain moisturizing at the proper level).


You can use spray as often as you want. Just abundantly spray it on face, hair and body always, when you feel that you need the charge of freshness and vigor. And yes, close your eyes when they spray the remedy on the face.

Do not worry

Today it is enough to include even five minutes by TV and listen to the news to fall into depression. If your hands suffer because of a constant anxiety, that is, an excellent assistant. Resistant remedy for nail sprinkling from IQ Beauty helps in a short period to get rid of this bad habit. It is an effective indicator prompting that you need to stay on time.


One of the ingredients is the extract of the Japanese Sophia, providing a long and resistant bitter taste of the nail canvas. But this means is fighting not only with the problem of nail sprinkling. Also as part of the funds - natural ingredients that help solve a number of other nail problems. It is silicon, vitamins A and E, C, horse chestnut extract, nettle extract. And finally, a saturated calcium formula, which is very important for our nails. The fact is that the matrix is ​​the root of the nail - produces keratin cells, and keratin is a substance that contains threads of amino acid molecules interconnected by calcium bridges. Usually the calcium content in the nails is very high, but if it is not enough, the plate becomes very breaking. And after the use of this miracle preparation, such problems can be forgotten.

Water treatments

Fine reassure and water procedures. Especially if you add sea salt into water. Salt for Baths Chill "Olive Lavender" from Lía Craft Cosmetics is favorable on the skin, and the extraordinary aroma of olive lavender - to the emotional sphere of man. He improves the mood, soothes, eliminates insomnia, causes the condition of the inner rest, is a strong antidepressant.


Important note: Take a bath with salt is recommended no more than twenty minutes, after which the salt should be washed from the skin only with water, then apply fragrant cream or natural oil on the skin.

Charging becomes

For quarantine, many of us (you're among them?) Actively began to go for their shape. More precisely: in the first week, two we actively concealed stress with all sorts of deliciousness, and then with the same rapidness, they began to master online marathons on weight loss, yoga courses and flash drives for the correct stretch. It is clear that without physical activity the body dreams do not get. But do not forget about the right beauty products. Immediately after waking up and water procedures, apply on the skin Vinosculpt balm from Caudalie with an enveloping fragrance fragrance that increases skin elasticity.


This balm acts immediately into four areas of the body: hands, chest, belly and buttocks. The effectiveness of its application is confirmed by clinical results, they promise more tightened skin and clearer silhouette. The unique formula of Balzam is helped to achieve such results, which combines an extract of iris and polyphenols, carite and grape bones supplemented by oils.

Strengthen immunity

Doctors in one voice say: In today's situation, it is important to strengthen the immunity. Everything is already known about the useful properties of ginger and lemon - and at the time of the current prices for them are evidence. But not a lemon. An excellent means are, for example, algae spirulina.


Spirulina has a unique composition, which includes about two thousand biologically active substances, vitamins, amino acids and enzymes. It has been scientifically proven that algae at seventy percent consists of a protein, which is simply necessary for each human body. Remember that this supplement will not solve health problems, and if you have some chronic diseases, you still advise yourself with your doctor before taking it.

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