Live stories: "I will be in the form that I have never had"


We continue to receive your letters within the project "One hundred days to the beach". Today we share the history of Alexandra, which the beauty of Kate Moss inspired changes.

"Being a young girl, I included a TV at home in my town and with a light envy looked all these fashionable shows - the figures of girls seemed to me an unattainable dream. It was the period when the gloss literally threw us in the face of new names from their covers: Cindy, Kate, Karl, Claudia and other beauties. I myself always wanted to become a model, but by 12 years I realized that my body would go to a hard conflict with my dream, because I began to rapidly get better. At the age of 15, I weighed 80 kg. With a rise of 167 cm. Naturally, the dreams of Paris, fashionable homes and fans left me before the age of adulthood, later I made up with my position and learned how to feel comfortable even in such weight.

For about 25 years, I did not know the problems with the search for a couple, however, I looked at my girlfriends, which a little earlier I understood me all the benefit of the call and gyms, it is logical that their appearance attracted the same bright and sports guys. All my young people have not walked into any comparison. Despite the whole of my life positive, I began to comprehensive - why doesn't you kiss such men to my "coast"? At the same time, my natural laziness helped me for a long time to ignore the excitement about the excess weight, with which with due diligence I could say goodbye pretty quickly.

I realized that I could not become a model

I realized that I could not become a model


"Click" in my head happened suddenly: I was on my eyes an interview with my long-standing favorite Kate Moss, who told about how difficult for her to keep himself in his hands, but the life she received thanks to heavy work and self-control does not give her to relax And fall in spirit. I volley read a few more interviews. So, the person with whom you are not familiar, but who admire, can influence you sitting on another continent. I decided that you could try to start something to change something, it was not so difficult to choose a payload - I perfectly approached aerobics and weekly sessions in the pool. I am doing not so long ago, but I hope for the beginning of the beach season I will be in the form that I have never had. By the way, I did not even think that there are so many pretty guys in the pool who are trying to teach you to swim. Thank you, Kate! "

If you want to share your transfiguration history, send it to our mail: [email protected]. We will publish the most interesting stories on our website and award a pleasant motivating gift.

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