Deep feelings: We are looking for harmony in bed


Without high-quality and permanent sex, it is quite difficult to submit a couple that plans to build a strong relationship, and then create a family. Sometimes in search of harmony leave the year, during this time the couple may well lose interest to each other. We will tell you from which components there is a comfortable intimate life.


Yes, that's easy. If there is no love in a pair, but only a passion, in the end the moment will come when the bright feelings are kicked and nothing will remain. In addition, people who love think not only about their own, but also about the comfort of a partner. In such a pair, selfishness is impossible, especially in bed, where it is necessary to completely trust the second half. Think exactly what feelings bind you two, and if there are problems in bed, perhaps the case is in the absence of a deep feeling?


Imagine for a second that the person you madly love, causing her feelings not only on you, but also for someone else? We are confident in such a couple, it is not necessary to talk about harmonious sex life, because all the forces go to solve problems and constant suspicion of their half in infidelity. As a result, such a person does not cause anything except indifference. At the same time, many men believe that the search for the entertainment on the side contributes to the incitement of passion in a constant pair, however, in fact, nothing but problems and losses of the confidence of the woman hiking "left" will not bring. Do not deceive.

Do not be afraid of experiments

Do not be afraid of experiments



Harmonious sexual life can not be boring and predictable. If you do not decide on experiments in bed, it means that there is a constraint in your relationship, which gradually destroys emotional intimacy, because it does not allow you to reveal both. Try to find ways to overcome unnecessary constraints in front of each other, in the end, each of you in bed has led the attraction, which means the uncertainty before the partner simply should not arise.


As we have already spoken, selfishness does not contribute to the emergence of harmony. The sex is important to an emotional exchange that implies the participation of two sides, when one of the partners looked exclusively on themselves, sex becomes mechanical, and in this case someone will surely remain unsatisfied. Take into account the wishes of the partner, because if there is no satisfaction with at least one of the parties, conflicts are inevitable, and you do not need it, so do not hesitate to periodically discuss your intimate life and offer ideas how it can be improved.

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