Strong nut: home training for buttocks


The form of your buttocks is determined by genetics, muscle development and the number of subcutaneous fat. If the first to change is impossible, with the third you need to fight a diet, then the second point lies only at you. Usually coaches advise to train buttocks and legs twice a week with a rod with free weights, dumbbells and simulators to perform insulating exercises involving certain muscles. However, we doubt that you have all the necessary equipment at home, so we offer training using elementary weighting agents - elastic rubber bands and bottles with water.

Squats with spring

Everyone is familiar with classic squats, so we offer a more original version of the exercise. From the standing position you are satisfied so that the hips be in a parallel with the floor - you can start your knees for socks, as the myth about the dangers of this technique for the joints have long refuted research. Perform 10-12 repetitions, and then stay in the sitting position for 10 seconds, constantly performing spring movements: slightly up, and then go even lower. Total 3-4 approaches. Do not forget to strain the buttocks to feel the muscles. If you still do not know how to navigate in sensations, lean your fingers to the buttocks: you should feel how the muscles are reduced. If this does not happen, then you are misappropriate.

Ssed - basic exercise for the development of berium muscles

Ssed - basic exercise for the development of berium muscles



This exercise is often included in domestic training courses due to the simplicity of technology and its effectiveness due to the muscle tension in the static position. To make a "chairs", go to the wall and stand up to her back so that the heels are touched by the wall. Sit down to parallels with the floor and delay in this position for 30-45 seconds. Repeat 4-5 times. To complicate the exercise, take a small ball, and better the gymnastic ball for training. Put it under the back between the blades and press it onto the wall on your own so that it should not fall during squats - so your body will strain all the muscles for the balance.


Put on the hips elastic rubber band, stand straight and make the right foot step to the side. Sit down, climb and cut your left foot to the right. We go sideways in a circle or in any direction until you run 20 repetitions. Then rest and change your legs by starting the suspension from the left foot. Total execute 4-6 approaches.


Take the gymnastic ball and lie on it the belly. Packs should be on the ball, and hips freely hang from him. Squate the feet feet or ankles - choose how it is more convenient for you. Hands put on the floor so that you are easily balanced on the ball. The legs lie on the floor, then, due to the power of the jagged muscles, you raise them up to the parallel with the case. Detain for 1-2 seconds, then lower and, without rest, raise again. Try to quickly raise your legs and slowly lower them - this technique contributes to the rapid muscle reduction and their smooth stretching, due to which they are faster in volume. Perform 20 repetitions and 3-4 approaches.

Engage with weights

Engage with weights


After such training, you will feel a pleasant pain in the buttocks and legs, and with regular repetition, after a couple of months, notice how your ass has been pulled away.

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