Cardiac cases: 5 main organ health products


Rarely who can boast an ideal diet. As a rule, potassium lacks the urban resident, while salt in our body in excess. The cardiovascular system is one of the main in our body, in case of malfunctions and violations of its work, a person risks to face unpleasant symptoms, up to the development of serious diseases associated with poor blood circulation and blood blocks. Therefore, it is so important to take into account the needs of the body, adhering to the diet at least partly. If you have magnesium and potassium in your body, you are protected from possible failures in the circulatory system for a long time.

Of course, you know about the benefits of almond, dark chocolate and red fish for the heart. However, not only they have a beneficial effect on the work of this important organ. We offer you a list of five products, the benefits of which you may have not been suspected.

Red meat

Red meat


Red meat

Of course, it is not necessary to get involved in this product in large quantities, because the meat is not so harmless, as it may seem. Nevertheless, it uses it within reasonable limits will provide you with protein, zinc and vitamin B12. Moreover, did you know that in red meat contains the same mono-saturated fats as in olive oil? Therefore, put a salad for a day with this, of course, a wonderful dressing and prepare a good piece of meat for lunch to "feed" the vessels.


Despite the high fat content, which, in the opinion of some nutritionists, clog arteries, the fat can be a good help in the prevention of heart disease. It has long been known that in the sala there are much more mono-saturated fats that carry only benefits. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to abuse this product.


And let the potatoes extremely adversely affect the figure, again, if you do not know the measures in use, but the root container contains such a potassium needed for the heart. Of course, you can replace it with dairy products and fresh fruits, but in potatoes of this element is incomparable. And if you turn on a small amount of potatoes into a daily diet, you can only envy your pressure.





Probably cinnamon is one of their most popular seasonings in the world. Cinnamon significantly reduces blood glucose levels. Cinnamon fibers do not allow sugar to absorb too quickly, and you most likely know that if too many sugar accumulates in the tissues, it can lead to a violation of their integrity and eventually cause diabetes mellitus.

Cinnamon is very convenient to use: it can be added not only in baking, but also in all sorts of drinks or main dishes.





Beets - the main supplier of organic nitrates. To expand vessels, people are prescribed nitrate preparations, if there is such a need. Beckla juice is a rather popular product in athletes, as it contributes to the extension of the vessels.




In addition, the beets contain folic acid, which improves tissue exchange. Not deprived of the product and many other useful elements, such as carotenoids, and it contains coarse and soft fibers.

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