Gluten "No": Lose weight without harm to the body


Trying to lose weight, we are looking for all new ways and diets. Very soon the beach season will begin, the preparation for which is already in full swing, and therefore the time to disassemble the diet again. Today we decided to talk about a popular and effective gluten-free diet, which most of the modern stars are fond of modern stars. We will find out how the ration is changing with the exception of gluten, and is it an effective diet in reality.

What is gluten?

As a rule, this diet is shown to people whose body does not absorb gluten (or "gluten"). However, many picked up the idea of ​​refusing products containing gluten, in order to lose weight in a short time. Gluten is contained in cereals, represents a certain type of protein. It is often used to prepare a dough for baking, as you understand if you are planning to sit on a gluten-free diet, buns, cakes and other flour products should be lost from your desk.

Many people suffer from gluten intolerance

Many people suffer from gluten intolerance


Products containing gluten:

- flour products.

- Meat in breading.

- mayonnaise.

- Oat flakes.

- Smoked.

- Semolina.

- Pasta.

- Crisps.

- Barley.

Of course, in the first time it will be not easy without your favorite paste or oatmeal in the morning, however, if you are experiencing problems with digestion, skin, you know the habit of snacking sandwiches, it is possible to carry out an experiment and refuse products from the list above, there is a high probability, that delicate problems are solved precisely thanks to the correction of the diet.

Rules of a glitulus diet

Although there are no nuts in the list of allowed products, you should not lean on them, since our task is the correction of the figure, and the nuts are rather calories. Carefully monitor the amount of calories, because the gluten exception does not imply automatic weight loss - no one has canceled control over portions. In addition, try to prevent the deficit of nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates should fall into your body anyway. Oatmeal and pasta can be easily replaced with buckwheat or potatoes, it is important to replace, and not exclude products. And the most basic - vegetables should be on your plate daily. The fiber contained in vegetables is perfectly cleansing the body, which will provide an accelerated weight loss.

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