How to apply the cream to work


Face cream is one of the necessary leather care products. The cream nourishes the skin, felt by the lost moisture, smoothes wrinkles. Depending on the type of skin, you can choose cream suitable for you. For oily skin, a good solution will be matting cream, for dry - nutritious. It all depends on the individual skin needs.

However, it is not enough to just buy day or night cream, you need to be able to use it correctly

However, it is not enough to just buy day or night cream, you need to be able to use it correctly


However, it is not enough to just buy day or night cream, you need to be able to use it correctly.

Quite often this situation is: you bought suitable cream, use it for quite a long time, but there is no effect. The point here is not in the cream, but in the inability to use it. But do not despair - this skill can be easily obtained.

How often do you need to pay attention to the face?

To maintain a good skin condition, you need to spend a very small amount of time per day. Agree, it is better to care for the face of gradually, than in one evening, try to correct the consequences of months of improper care.

There are three main facial skin care rules:

- cleansing.

- Toning.

- Moisturizing.

Do not be lazy, because the skin requires the same attentive relationship as the teeth. She will not forgive you even one night with makeup.

As scientists find out, the skin begins to grow old from 25 years. The thing is that at this age, the processes of updating and natural humidification of the skin are slowed down, so it looks dim and sometimes dehydrated, while being fat. While you were not 25, you don't need moisturizing cream, as it is that you "break" the skin - it will cease to perform their functions very early, will begin to grow much earlier than it could. During this period, it only needs to be cleaned and toned.

Do not be lazy, because the skin requires the same attentive relationship as the teeth

Do not be lazy, because the skin requires the same attentive relationship as the teeth


Application technique

Throughout our body, massage lines are scattered, they also have on the face. General rule - distribute cream from the center to the external edges of the face. If you move against the directions of lines - that is, from the outside to the center, is the risk of earning early wrinkles, as the skin stretches.

So, how to step by step to apply the cream to see the result soon?

First you need to clean the face. Forget about soap, use foam and hydrophilic oils.

Carefully limit all the cleansing means together with the residues of cosmetics.

Use a paper towel. Important: The towel must be paper / disposable so that the bacteria do not multiply on it. But the best option is if you give the face to dry yourself.

After the face is driving, squeeze a little cream on the hand. Try not to get the cream from the can with your fingers, as this will entail the product damage.

Hold the cream on your hand so that it reaches the body temperature, so it absorbs much better.

Remember: It is important not only to know the technique, but also use the tool regularly

Remember: It is important not only to know the technique, but also use the tool regularly


When the cream is ready, apply it to face through massage lines. But in no case do not apply ordinary cream to the area around the eyes: in this zone is very sensitive and thin skin. Especially for the care of this area, funds are created with easier texture.

Remember: The main thing is not only to know the technique, but also use the tool regularly, since because of the weakly pronounced effect of most domestic money, they have a cumulative effect. Use cream regularly to achieve the most positive result.

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