Non-Soviet problems: stars suffering acne


Once again, revising the musical videos or films of our favorite artists, we may not mind that these people may also have skin problems. It is not surprising, because before appearing before the public, the stars spend not one hour before the mirror, carefully working on the skin with tonal means. However, periodically colebritis give themselves surning and appear in public places without a grima, often falling into the lenses of the paparazzi. We will tell about the stars for which the struggle against problem skin is part of life.

Naomi Campbell

Surprisingly, it is almost impossible to find a photo of the exit of supermodel without dense makeup. The thing is that the model most of the life fights the acne, in the past few dozen years Campbell, it seems to win the victory over the fatness of the skin - in the photo with the shows it is clear that the skin of the beauty is smooth, without any special flaws.

Victoria Beckham

Incredibly, but the fact - the former "Perchin" also faced increased fatty and inflammation of the sebaceous glands. On the photo of Dparations, Victoria's leather often leaves much to be desired. The actress has repeatedly admitted that she has to fight with small rash on the cheeks that the singer and model carefully disguises the corrector.

Kate Moss

British supermodel suffers not only acne, but also increased sensitivity to ultraviolet - skin Moss is covered with pigment stains and quickly drags. Before entering the light, the girl has to moisturize the skin well and apply a dense layer of the tone.

Britney Spears

Another fifteen years ago it was difficult to imagine that the tightened and sports spears is experiencing problems with the body. As it turned out, it is worth the singer to break into the sweet and throw a diet, the wrong food immediately reflects on the skin of the artist. Even now, having come out of adolescence for a long time, Spears does not do without a corrector and a dense "tonalnik."

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