5 ways to prepare crumbly potatoes


Secret number 1

For cooking, choose the white potatoes. The color of the peel in this matter is not the main thing, and the color inside is important. In the yellow potato little starch, which means it will not be crumbly, it is just good for frying.

Choose white root

Choose white root


Secret number 2.

Another secret to get crumbly potatoes - throw pieces in boiling water. With 100 degrees, starch is simply sealed inside a slice.

Cut potatoes on pieces

Cut potatoes on pieces


Secret number 3.

Do not dwell with liters. Water should cover potatoes a little bit. So the tubers are less absorbed.

Save water

Save water


Secret number 4.

Solo when boiling is wrong. Salt it is necessary to immediately that the process passed evenly throughout the potato.

Solim immediately

Solim immediately


Secret number 5.

Watch out for cooking not to digest, otherwise you will get puree. Ideally, it's when you pump a piece on a knife, and it, smoothly gliding, moves along the knife.

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