How to make 5 steps towards new


You are sitting and thinking that something in the Danish kingdom, or rather, in your life it should not be so necessary to change it urgently. And this is right, standing on the ground means regress. But changes should not be sharp, otherwise everything can be destroyed. will tell you what steps need to do on the way to the better.

Step 1. Get ready for discomfort

It only seems so: they decided to change everything, waved the magic wand, everything was spinning. Change the usual life, even for the better, unpleasant. You will have losses and change, and they are not always pleasant.

Do not hurry

Do not hurry

Step 2. Not all and immediately

Start with small. Of course, I want everything to change immediately. But do not torfer events. Made at least something - secure the result and rejoice him.

It's never late to think

It's never late to think

Step 3. All in turn

Plans for the summer: to lose weight, change the work and move, - of course, grandiose and deserve only respect, but hardly feasible. Choose something one.

Decide in desires

Decide in desires

Step 4. Do not pass

Everything smoothly does not happen, and even more so in the case of global changes. On this path, we are waiting for a lot of failures, the main thing is not to throw everything in half the path and move, not looking at anything, to the target target.

Do not turn off the way

Do not turn off the way

Step 5. Hand Giving

Never refuse the proposed assistance. Even if it seems to you that a person is not competent in this matter, he can help look at the situation at a different angle. Suggest a non-standard move. And it is precisely stupid to refuse to consult professionals.

100 friends will be prompted

100 friends will be prompted

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