The history of the origin of lipstick


Probably the most popular type of decorative cosmetics - lipstick. It is not surprising that women bump her in such quantities. Scientists calculated that the woman eats three kilograms of lipstick for her entire life, which is interesting - a man eats several times more. From women's lips, naturally. We invite you to find out the story of this truly female product.

The theory is popular that the Ancient Nigipetrician Cleopatra invented lipstick. The version, of course, exciting, but specialists do not agree with it. According to historians, the first attempts to decorate the lips were taken by prehistoric women in the glacial period. Yes, at that time, women wanted attention.

Ancient women used to prepare lipsticks painting substances and plants stems. Of course, such a composition did not hold on her lips.

During the rule of the pharaohs of the lipstick was an unchanged attribute accompanying a noble woman to the world so that after death she could look beautiful. An interesting fact: in the ancient Egypt, the lipstick was not used to give the volume of lips, but on the contrary - to reduce them. It was at that time that the dark shades that make lips tightly began to be very widely distributed.

Probably the most popular type of decorative cosmetics - lipstick

Probably the most popular type of decorative cosmetics - lipstick


In the ancient times, when the "ball ruled" blells with mercury, lipstick did not hand over positions. But in this era, the popular tint was brown.

In Greece and Rome, the lipstick found a new life: more components began to add in it, for example, clay.

However, in medieval Europe, such a female accessory was not happy. The church considered lipstick with a devilish product, and those who enjoys her - His minions. There were bold women who secretly acquired lipstick and managed to use it, not afraid of anger of the church.

The era of Renaissance was a favorable time for women wishing to decorate themselves. Another thing is that the beautiful floor dubbed with the number of cosmetics, but it was only on hand to manufacturers. At this time, the palette of shades has become much wider.

Cosmetics has become so common that the law in England adopted the law: if the husband after the wedding sees his wife without cosmetics and it will be not so beautiful as before marriage, he may require a divorce.

French society introduced a new rule: only men can use the lipstick to allocate lips on the background of a white face. It is good that this rule went along with the death of Louis XVI. Women gained access to cosmetics only in the 19th century, and then she could use actresses whose reputation was at the lowest level. Middle weight women considered lipstick with a vulgar product.

This shade is quite popular among the bold young ladies.

This shade is quite popular among the bold young ladies.


However, at the end of the 19th century, passions have made up, and women of all sectors of society received access to lipstick.

It is the French that owns the idea to make lipstick fragrant. For this, grape extract was used. By the beginning of the 20th century, the lipstick entered the cosmetics of each self-respecting Frenchman. But the exhibition in the Netherlands in the Netherlands in 1903 has become a triumph for a long time in 1903, after which the lipstick received recognition of women from around the world.

A huge role in popularizing lipstick was played by cinema. The "Great Some" opened the world on a white face with huge burning eyes and not that tinted, but straight-drawn the color of the ripe grapes itself. Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Joan Crawford - Black and White Cinema Stars - became legislators of "Fashion Lip", millions of women all over the world tried to like them.

With the advent of cinema, initially black and white, the dark lipstick, mostly red shades, was greatly distributed. Only the method of applying to give lips of a certain form to give lips. It all started with the classical form, which was called the "rose bud". Hollywood makeup artist Max factor entered this form. Then followed a series of experiments with form: from the "swelling" lips to clearly defined.

Believe me, lipstick can come in handy at the most unexpected moment!

Believe me, lipstick can come in handy at the most unexpected moment!


All this time, manufacturers tried to find a way to make lipstick more stable. This "feat" made Max factor-junior, which by adding different synthetic components achieved relative stability of lipstick. Now women could kiss without fear of makeup.

In the days of World War II, the production of lipstick decreased due to the lack of the right oils, but women still continued to use it, thereby giving themselves confidence.

Since the 70s, the color palette has grown and changed: "Nude" shades appeared, in ten years in the Punk and Rock era, the dark purple lipstick won, however, the fashion went on it, but in our time this shade was quite popular among bold Runsheng.

Today, the lipstick has turned into a fashion accessory. Large importance is attached to the case: if the woman pulls the golden tube of the famous brand, it emphasizes its status.

We strongly recommend that you have at least a few shades in the cosmetic. Believe me, lipstick can come in handy at the most unexpected moment!

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