How to make a dream figure


Building an ideal body - the process is unprecedented! Therefore, those who expect to transform a week will have to disappoint. The first thing to start is, of course meals. Watch out for your dinners - it is from dinner that how is your new day will begin. It is impossible to combine in the evening - this banal council, oddly enough, is very important. It is best to exclude all simple sugars in the afternoon, and the evening meal to make almost carved - non-brimmer vegetables and greens are welcome! As an option, just cooked fish with a garnish in the form of a grilled vegetable and salad, an ideal example of dinner.

In order to lose weight, you need to accelerate the metabolism, feeding fractionally 4-5 times a day in small portions. Preference is worth giving protein food (turkey, egg proteins, fish, low-fat types of cheese) and high-grade products and food fiber products (greens, unsweetened fruits, all vegetables, except potatoes and beets). Well, drink at least two liters of pure water between meals, as water is the best solvent for the digestive process.

Starting sports need from small

Starting sports need from small

Materials press services

As soon as the power is established and put the target, you can start physical exertion. Here, as well as in nutrition, effective and correct is the principle of graduality - to start sports need from small so that your body does not say "Stop"! Cardigaries in the morning or in the evening - first for 20-30 minutes, then the duration can be increased to an hour.

Power training - second stage

Power training - second stage

Materials press services

Power training - the second stage. Only work with weights allows you to modify the body as towards a decrease in volumes in some parts of the body and an increase in muscle mass in others. In combination with the right food, workout will not be caught to wait for the result - in a month you feel the changes yourself, and after two they see it. I wish everyone willpower and success in transformation!

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