Wake up and sing: why do you always want to sleep


If in childhood most of us could not tolerate daylight, then today, becoming adults, many just dream of sleeping well, because long sleep has become a luxury. However, in some cases, a person may experience problems, for example, a constant desire to fall asleep in the very possible place. We decided to figure out what the reason for such an obsessive state could be.

Lack of iron

When we lack iron in the body, hemoglobin begins to rapidly fall, which leads to iron deficiency anemia. As a result, all sorts of violations in the body, including - a constant desire to sleep, even though you fell pretty early on the eve. If the iron deficiency is suggested, you do not need to treat yourself, contact a specialist who will prescribe the necessary diagnosis and will be the treatment plan.

Deficiency of vitamin D.

With a reduced content of vitamin D, one of the main symptoms is considered chronic and concentrated problems. As we all know, the main supplier of vitamin D is the Sun, which in our latitudes can not boast of special activity, and therefore it is necessary to replenish the lack of vital vitamin with the help of funds acquired in the pharmacy, however, still do not engage in independent selection of drugs without consultation Doctor.

Get a consultation of a specialist

Get a consultation of a specialist

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Affective disorder

A condition familiar to many when the day becomes shorter, the weather will deteriorate, and with her and our mood. The symptoms of this disorder can be confused, but unlike the latter, the problem is solved along with the completion of the season and does not require additional use of drugs. If you know that autumn and winter bring you chronic fatigue, try to maintain your body first with the help of an ration correction - eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, move more and do not spend a lot of time in the room, walk before bedtime.

Violation of hormonal background

Another reason for constant fatigue can be a violation in the endocrine system. In the zone of special risk are women, since their hormonal background is more unstable, the psychological state often depends on the period of the menstrual cycle. As a rule, a week after menstruation, a woman experiencing problems with the thyroid gland begins to feel drowsiness, even if there are no failures in the day. To eliminate the likelihood of a more serious illness, it is necessary to obtain a consultation of a specialist, and first of all make an ultrasound thyroid gland.

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