Artem Lyskov: "In America, the mission to fry pancakes lay on me"


- Two years I lived in America. He studied in New York at the Theater Institute Lee Strasberg Theater and Film Institut, worked in one of the Broadway theaters. Friends, classmates and colleagues were from all over the world, so we celebrated different national holidays together, and the carnival including. The responsible mission to fry pancakes always lying on me, and the ingredients were bought in the Russian store on Brighton Beach. A high mountain of thin pancakes was made, and various fillings were put on the table: sour cream, honey, cheese, red fish and so on. And everyone could do damn on his taste. I would like to share the recipe pancakes.

Artem Lyskov shared the recipe pancakes.

Artem Lyskov shared the recipe pancakes.

Lilia Charlovskaya


- 1 liter of milk;

- 2 eggs;

- 12 tablespoons of soda;

- vinegar;

- flour, 5 tablespoons;

- salt, sugar to taste;

- butter.

Cooking method:

In one liter of milk you have to pour two eggs and mix well. Half a tablespoon of soda pour vinegar, wait, when the mixture stops actively foaming (seconds 10-15), carefully pour into the milk. If the soda remains on the spoon, then add a gram of vinegar. It is all well stirred, now you can add flour, constantly stirring the wedge. Add salt and sugar to taste. The consistency of the pancake mixture should be like a liquid sour cream, then the pancakes will turn out thin. I advise you to barely rolling the pan, and the first pancake try to understand whether salt and sugar are enough, or something should be added. Each finished pancake lubricate with butter. And pleasant appetite!

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