5 ways to attract a child to homework


Modern children are usually not burdened with homework. We admit honestly, it's easier and faster to clean potatoes or download plates into a dishwasher than wait until the child does. However, psychologists claim that it is not correct.

American researchers from the University of Minnesota for 25 years have watched the life of 84 subjects. As it turned out, those who were accustomed to parents to help home from early childhood, then better have time to go to school and institute. They built a career faster, they were easier to contact with colleagues and created happy families.

Child can be entrusted to bring firewood

Child can be entrusted to bring firewood


  1. Be polite

The fact that there is still some free hands in the family, we are usually remembered when they themselves are in stunt. On the stove, something burns, water overflows in the bathroom, the cat dropped the flower slide, and then the son with a request to urgently sew a button. In such a situation, it is very difficult to resist and not "rive" for Chado. Exhale, count to 10 and offer your son to sew a button yourself. Work on the house should not look like a feast of an adult, but an objective necessity.

Daughter can feed her pet

Daughter can feed her pet


  1. Put specific tasks

"Using in my room," - it sounds too general. The child may assume that he has an order or the mess, which is, is simply impossible to eliminate due to its volume. But: "Speak toys here in this box," sounds much clearer and easier.

Son himself must collect toys

Son himself must collect toys


  1. Do not straighten the child

You can advise him how to make it better or easier, but do not stand and comment: "Here you are not a house, and there it was bad and generally, who is holding a broom." It is clear that immediately the child will not get everything perfect, but let him get this skill. Do not throw away to redo - it's a shame and next time he will simply refuse anything. What for? If he does everything badly.

Work and play

Work and play


  1. Motivate correctly

Do not try to pay a child, he is not a hired cleaner, but works for the benefit of the family and including his own. You can deprive his inner motivation. According to American researchers, domestic worries give children a feeling of communication with loved ones. "Mamina Assistants" feel happier and more confident in their need, than their peers who do not engage in homework.

Wash the floor can be fun

Wash the floor can be fun


  1. Praise and thank

Be sure to understand the child that his work is important. It is desirable that praise and gratitude was sincere. Anyone likes to do what he gets well. If the daughter believes that it perfectly cleans potatoes, you will be delivered from this classes. Scientists from Minnesota argue that the children of 3-6 years are much more likely to meet, if an adult uses the word "assistant" instead of "helping". And so that the work is quickly not tired, turn on it elements of the game. For example, fold the socks for the speed or conduct a joint detective key search investigation.

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