The main mistakes of those who dream of losing weight


End of February. Not far from the mountains and summer. As usual, many of you are thinking: "How to get rid of autumn-winter unnecessary kilograms?". That is why I prepared a number of articles for you, in which I will tell you in detail about the right and pleasant way to beauty and health.

First of all, let's get rid of mistakes, myths and stereotypes associated with weight loss.

I think many of you or your friends and friends noticed that getting rid of excess weight seems like a swing: first you joyfully rush forward, then stop and with the same speed returning back. In order not to go on this deadlock path, you must first realize the errors that lead to it and get rid of them.

So, The first error : Attempts to lose weight quickly. Of course, it can be understood that I want to get rid of excess weight as soon as possible: a couple of weeks to suffer and become slim. And how exactly does it bring you to the goal? What is your goal? Purchase a slim elastic body with beautiful forms? Then let's think: it would seem, you just need to lose weight, and happiness will come. But there are important nuances that many people simply do not know. Let's imagine two women about one weight and one size of the clothing: Suppose, 55 kg and 44 clothing size. Autumn and winter, in clothes, they look attractive. But the long-awaited summer comes, and you can go to the beach - sunbathe and swim. Our charming in swimsuits come out of the locker room, and we see that their similarity in clothes was very deceptive. One of them has the body tightened and elastic, and another hangs everything and shakes when walking. Why such difference? It's all about the ratio of muscles and fat. Our muscles have a form, they are elastic, sufficiently solid to the touch. Fat does not have a specific shape and very soft. To sense the difference, you can take a tennis ball and a piece of grandmother's chill in your hand. Now it is not difficult to guess: if the fat on your body is not enough, then you look like and attractive. And if the percentage of fat in the body is high, even with small volumes, it will not work with beauty.

Why did I tell all this? Slimming has two ways to develop events. : First - burn extra fat and save beautiful muscles, the second is to reduce body volumes. Together with a small amount of fat, the muscles burn and water outgoes. The first way longer and requires great knowledge. The second way is faster, but the result in the end is hardly pleased with you.

Now let's figure it out at what path we go when we lose weight quickly. According to numerous medical research, our body can lose 100-150 grams of fat per day, which is 0.7-1 kg per week or about 3-4 kilograms per month. These figures are given with the fact that a person regularly trains and is balanced. I often heard such joyful statements: "I dropped 6, 8, 10 kg and even more for the month." What does this moment happen to our body? And what is the price of such a fast weight loss?

Muscle tissue is destroyed with fat in the body. Elasticity and tightness does not add it. But the muscles are not only skeletal muscles, but also internal organs. Plus, a large amount of water is lost. And all together it leads to depletion and dehydration of the body. As a result, exchange processes are violated, hormonal problems begin.

With a rapid decrease in volumes and insufficient water, the skin does not have time to adapt and can be sought. Appear Such symptoms as:

- fatigue,

- insomnia,

- nervousness,

- problems with digestion,

- hair and nails become brittle,

- Permanent feeling of hunger.

And the most offensive thing is that it is worth only to return to the familiar diet, like all the lost kilograms and volumes are instantly returned. Unfortunately, this is the standard reaction of our body for stress, associated with rapid slimming. Instead of harmony and attractiveness, solid torment and return to where they started. There is another path that guaranteed to lead you to the goal. What? I will tell you in detail in the following articles. We do before the goal together!

And now write down the first rule: lose weight slowly - approximately 1 kg per week. See you in the next article!

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