Andrey Chadov: "I am ready to marry. But in Moscow it is difficult to meet the lady of the heart "


- Andrei, how did you react to the materials in the press about your novel from Julia Baranovskaya?

- Calmly.

- Do you think that any mention in the press goes the artist for the benefit?

- Not. Michael Jackson did not benefit the rumors about his pedophilia. And you asked this to that, that these conversations about the novel just hurt? (Laughs.)

- Better tell me, and you will ever get married?

- I hope. Looking for. It's hard to find a lady heart in Moscow! All such different! But I am definitely ready now. If the meeting, I love, then ... just when you are a famous artist, it is not clear what they want from you. (Smiles.) Now the ladies come across fairly straightforward. Type, buy me a dress, then we will be together today.

- With former girlfriends support relationships?

- Not. Somehow absorbed everything. Only good memories remain. Time, it is not treated, it smoothes the corners. Not mine is to pull the cargo of the offense. This health is coffin. Anger destroys.

- Then what can bring you out of yourself?

- Somehow I moved in traffic. In the left row. I see - a pigeon pops out from under the running car. And no one pays no attention to him. And he can't fly away. I stop, I turn on the "emergency room" - they say, went all in FIG. All bibece. And I just removed the pigeon from the road. And lately recently takes me a panibrate. When strangers begin to poke you, hug. Unpleasant unpretentiousness, rudeness. Any normal person these things will lead out of themselves.

- In Moscow, this is the usual thing, isn't it?

- And here I can not get used to it. I'm already coming soon, and I seem to be in the manger yet. (Smiles.)

- You periodically remove with foreign actors. Here, for example, in the recent TV series "Batagi" you worked with Mark Dakastos. What are your impressions of acquaintance and work with the overall colleague?

- I got acquainted somehow at ease. We at the site bred a joint scene with the director. And Mark turned out to be a very cheerful guy with American humor. "Do you have diarrhea?" He asked me in Russian. Asked and worth Rzhet! Apparently, someone from ours taught. Like this. Immediately visible, it is positive! (Laughs.)

- What did they say outside the site?

- I have English not so shiny, I study it. Yes, and he was not particularly rushing. I think Mark was shocked from the Russian Sinematograph. He, for example, asks: "What do we rent today?" He is responsible that we will remove the helicopter, its raid, the final scene with the yacht. He is shocked: "Do you all want to take off in one day? This is the same afternoon of two! " And then he could not understand how we, the Russians, were able to remove all this in one day. (Laughs.)

- His professional level was felt?

- All foreign actors who I worked with, - people thirsty and professional. And Lambert, and Barnes, and Dakastos - they have something to learn. They are always assembled, absorbing as a sponge, hearing. They have no Ponte, no star. There is nothing hindering the art. Oh, how I said loud! (Laughs.)

- That is, the talk about what we compared with Hollywood ...

- While loudly said. But they come to us, sit at Ivan Urgant, someone is friends with someone, but in terms of work ... still everyone understands everything! (Laughs.)

- But the big acting salaries are encountered now in Russia!

- Personally, I did not think about it. I understand well how much they earn.

- Did you choose the money when choosing a role in chapter angle?

- He is not. The perfect combination is money and creativity. I always strive to this. But for ten years I was filmed for a penny. And it was always a good scenario, but without money: "Russian", "lively", "cadets", "quiet outpost." I have no family yet, when it appears, apparently everything will be different. (Smiles.)

- As I understand it, now you can give up the role that you do not like?

- Yes, there is a choice. In general, I recently learned: many think that I am an expensive artist! For me it was very nice.

- And I read here that for you to be optimally filmed on the film per year. This is true?

- It's a bullshit! But it turns out. (Laughs.) Any artist wants to work a lot and qualitatively. But there is always a little good material. And about once a year there is only one worthwhile. In the past year I played in three projects. Thank God, they are all worthy. I am ready for the next. I love to work very much. To rest for a whole year, grabs two months, for example, on Bali.

- Why Bali?

- There is an energy and spiritual place. I studied the whole island, the only one, where was not, so it is on the volcano. If I get there, then only with my girlfriend. I will show uninhabited islands. It's good there. Democratic in every sense. (Laughs.)

- attended chiropracts, shamans?

- visited the doctor without his eye in his first arrival. I was told that this is the dude who was filmed in the film "Eat. Pray. Love. " We arrived. It turned out to be not the same, but still a good grandfather. He told me very correct things - for example, that I have a lot of blocks. Pressed on the point, it was very painful. I wanted to yell. And only three years later I remembered his words when the back began to hurt.

Andrey Chadov:

"We are different with my brother! And amplua are different. And role. Would you like to play the roles in which he starred? No, these are all frivolous conversations. "

Gennady Avramenko

- Do you have a competition with my brother?

- I do not know. Unlikely. We are different! And amplua are different. And role. Would you like to play the roles in which he starred? No, it's all frivolous conversations.

- You have had collaboration. In your opinion, with a native person easier to remove?

- Differently. In something simpler, and in something more difficult. But in general, probably more advantageous. Because I know him as my five fingers. Because of this, there is some wonderful partnership (laughs), which can be seen on the screen. We had it in the "live".

- You often meet your brother?

- Sure. In addition, I have recently - uncle, the godfather. We now have Fedor Chad. Hirsty.

- Are you a believer person?

- Yes. In the church, although rarely, but I go. I have a father to whom I just can call, talk to him. The confessor, in one word. By the way, our fighter Fedor Emelianenko comes.

- With my brother, mom is often going to a narrow family circle?

- For holidays, birthdays, baptism of children. And recently, somewhere a week I collect my relatives at home. We lived all our lives with my threesome. No one from relatives was not in Russia. In old age, the grandfather with a grandmother on the mother's line came from Kazakhstan. They are old, you need to follow them. But now there is a feeling of a big family. Sometimes we ride our grandfather. He is kaifovo, constantly peels. Him does not say that the fish in the pond is paid! (Laughs.)

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