Mouth on the castle: what should not tell others


There are many points that need to be considered if you want to remain a successful and happy person. We will tell you what you should be laundered to not get trouble.

Do you know that our thoughts are material? You are what you think and imagine. If people have appeared in your life who are configured against you and carry negative energy, it may well affect your life, so it is necessary to extremely carefully choose people you let in your life. There are parties to life that do not need to voiced by others.

Your joy can provoke an envious attack from another person

Your joy can provoke an envious attack from another person


For example, do not share success /

Your joy can provoke an envious attack from another person who will poison your existence. You must understand that not everyone can enjoy the success of other people's people. So think well before rushing to familiar with joyful news about your achievements. It will be quite difficult to restore the energy equilibrium.

The same applies to people from your close circle: families and friends. Do not think that the near environment is different from society as a whole. Of course, it all depends on the specific situation, but if your relationship with relatives leaves much to be desired, think about whether they should be opened.

Keep plans and dreams inside

It is believed to tell about their plans - bad sign. This is partly so, however, if you trust your loved ones, you can open them, maybe they will become the heading in the implementation of your plans. Refrain from the stories about your ideal future - again, it can cause a wave of indignation and jealousy, which will become a negative background.

Keep plans and dreams inside

Keep plans and dreams inside


Tell about your personal life

Your life with a partner concerns only two of you, other people are denied the entrance to this territory without your permission. When you share negative emotions to the second half, you weaken your overall love energy. Conversely: When you praise a partner, your connection is energetically enhanced. You can answer questions of relatives and friends, but go into details to anything.

No need to share your financial successes

Especially careful need to be in a situation where a person is actively interested in your material well-being. The financial party is one of the most fragile and non-permanent. It can easily damage unnecessary discussions. Believe me, people are absolutely not necessary to know how much you get. A person can switch the energy stream to its favor, thereby worsening your position.

What you dream should remain only with you

What you dream should remain only with you


What you dream should remain only with you

Many astrologers and esoterics strongly recommend to keep dreams in the secret. Again, when you share with strange people in hidden dreams or talk about what you have dreamed at night, you let them in your personal energy field, which is very sensitive to the negative.

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