Live stories: "I can say now I love myself"


Today, the time of the new story, the heroine, was our reader Alexander, who for a long time could not reconcile with his skin.

"Skin problems accompanied me all my life. Even in kindergarten, all stress and experiences were reflected on the skin - dermatitis was my permanent satellite. Mom in such cases simply smeared me with cream and said that I just needed less nervous, that for a child of five and six years was a useless advice, since I was not trite to cope with my emotions. Fortunately, to teenage age, dermatitis began to bother me in less often, the combed wounds became rare guests at the open parts of the body, I almost sighed calmly. But not for long. At about 15 years, I was literally over half a year, I sprinkled with eels with whom I still struggle. The most affected the face and back, as I later learned from the dermatologist - the most active rods are located in these areas. Mom saw how much my attitude to life changed: I could not wear outdoor things in the summer, did not go to the pool, who loved so much, I just could not allow people to see me in such a state. We found a dermatologist through acquaintances, however, the funds discharged even worse - because of the "bolties" on the basis of alcohol, the skin became not just a problematic, but also dehydrated, the numerous peelings were added to inflammation, which could not hide any tone cream. I lowered my hands - even a specialist could not help me. I abandoned all sports activities: dancing, swimming pool and Pilates, who were engaged in a majority of life. Literally a year later, my weight exceeded the norm twice, since I preferred to "eat" stress at low activity. I know I "Well done" ...

I could not normally communicate with people

I could not normally communicate with people


Having live in this mode to twenty-seven years, I realized that the folds on the sides prevent me from living and communicate with people, because for all this time I developed a terrible complex of inferiority. With the skin, I could not find a "common language". A year after the start of aerobics, my weight gradually approached a comfortable digit for me, in addition, in the locker room I met a person who became my best friend for the next few years - Tatiana was engaged in with me in the hall, we somehow quickly I got acquainted, I "shouted" to her about the skin, turned out, Tanka works by a dermatologist. I have never hoped for anything, but I decided to try to solve the problem under her leadership. And what ... Now I am 35, my skin is almost perfect, of course, I could not completely prevent the appearance of inflammation, but my complexes were gradually dissolved, like black dots under a tannium ultrasonic device. Now I understand that it is impossible to lower your hands even in the most running situation, if I could tell myself ten years ago ... However, I am glad that now my life flows in a completely different bed - I had a desire to communicate, I had a self-esteem and now I I can say with confidence - I love myself. "

If you want to share your transfiguration history, send it to our mail: [email protected]. We will publish the most interesting stories on our website and award a pleasant motivating gift.

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