Exotic, and only: 5 fruits that you never tried


Apples, bananas and even pineapples - all this has long been familiar to us and not at all interesting. Who can surprise the same mango if his taste has long been familiar to everyone who was in Asia, South America and other places where this fruit grows. To entertain you and dilute the longing, made a selection of the most unusual fruits that you can try as soon as you go on the first journey after the opening of the borders.


An unusual yellow-green fruit from New Zealand is unlikely to cause appetite from those who have never eaten Potatoes Friend with ice cream and did not drink buckwheat with milk. But, despite the frightening look, the taste of his completely understandable herbaceous is similar to the fruit of cactus, if you ate them in Tunisia and other southern countries. It is better to choose a slightly soft fruit as a ripe avocado - it will rather be with a smaller sourness and you will taste.


You can try a fruit similar to the usual pineapple in your favorite countries - Thailand, India, Malaysia and Madagascar. It is possible only in the skeleton - usually about readiness says a change from green on red or purple color - there are only about 600 species of plants that differ in color of fruits and other characteristics. Pandan divided into parts will remind you of Jackfrurt, Durian and similar giant fruits, and not only in appearance, but also to taste - nutritious, sweetish, slightly starchy. It is eaten both in the raw form and in the ready - in the form of a puree, ingredient for desserts, second dishes and so on.


A medium-sized fruit, resembling a view of a non-free eggplant, taste - something from a mixture of banana, lychee and maracuy. Akebia still can be found only in East Asia - Japan, South Korea and China. Due to watery in structure, the fruit can be compared with cucumber, and even the caloric content of the fruit will be similar - only 34 calories per 100 grams of the product. Asians eat the fruit of the whole, but you may seem strange - eat meat with a tablespoon.


Initially, the fruit appeared in East Africa, but later it was transported to Jamaica - it was historically developed due to the migration of slaves between continents. Despite the fact that it is fruit, it is impossible to use it in immature or raw form. Usually aki fry on the oil and eat instead of breakfast - the nutritious fruit is perfect for this. However, it can also be boiled and eat with meat and fish - choose the option that you closer.


More familiar to our hearing, this fruit is called a "cream apple" for a delicate creamy taste, resembling a banana ice cream. Mark Twain called this South American delicacy "the most delicious fruit, a famous person" - Be sure to try it when you are in warm countries. However, those who are watching the figure should be careful: there are quite a few fructose in the checking, so it is possible to recover from excessive consumption of a simple carbohydrate.

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